Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

al insaan

1. Surat Al-Insaan (The Man) Surah Number 76 Number of Verses: 31 English Translation By Shakir
2. هَلْ أَتَى عَلَى الْإِنسَانِ حِينٌ مِّنَ الدَّهْرِ لَمْ يَكُن شَيْئًا مَّذْكُورًا {1} [1] There surely came over man a period of time when he was a thing not worth mentioning. NEXT
3. إِنَّا خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ أَمْشَاجٍ نَّبْتَلِيهِ فَجَعَلْنَاهُ سَمِيعًا بَصِيرًا {2} [2] Surely We have created man from a small life-germ uniting (itself): We mean to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing. NEXT
4. إِنَّا هَدَيْنَاهُ السَّبِيلَ إِمَّا شَاكِرًا وَإِمَّا كَفُورًا {3} [3] Surely We have shown him the way: he may be thankful or unthankful. NEXT
5. إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا لِلْكَافِرِينَ سَلَاسِلَا وَأَغْلَالًا وَسَعِيرًا {4} [4] Surely We have prepared for the unbelievers chains and shackles and a burning fire. NEXT
6. إِنَّ الْأَبْرَارَ يَشْرَبُونَ مِن كَأْسٍ كَانَ مِزَاجُهَا كَافُورًا {5} [5] Surely the righteous shall drink of a cup the admixture of which is camphor NEXT
7. عَيْنًا يَشْرَبُ بِهَا عِبَادُ اللَّهِ يُفَجِّرُونَهَا تَفْجِيرًا {6} [6] A fountain from which the servants of Allah shall drink; they make it to flow a (goodly) flowing forth. NEXT
8. يُوفُونَ بِالنَّذْرِ وَيَخَافُونَ يَوْمًا كَانَ شَرُّهُ مُسْتَطِيرًا {7} [7] They fulfill vows and fear a day the evil of which shall be spreading far and wide. NEXT
9. وَيُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعَامَ عَلَى حُبِّهِ مِسْكِينًا وَيَتِيمًا وَأَسِيرًا {8} [8] And they give food out of love for Him to the poor and the orphan and the captive: NEXT
10. إِنَّمَا نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللَّهِ لَا نُرِيدُ مِنكُمْ جَزَاء وَلَا شُكُورًا {9} [9] We only feed you for Allah's sake; we desire from you neither reward nor thanks: NEXT
11. إِنَّا نَخَافُ مِن رَّبِّنَا يَوْمًا عَبُوسًا قَمْطَرِيرًا {10} [10] Surely we fear from our Lord a stern, distressful day. NEXT
12. فَوَقَاهُمُ اللَّهُ شَرَّ ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمِ وَلَقَّاهُمْ نَضْرَةً وَسُرُورًا {11} [11] Therefore Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness; NEXT
13. وَجَزَاهُم بِمَا صَبَرُوا جَنَّةً وَحَرِيرًا {12} [12] And reward them, because they were patient, with garden and silk, NEXT
14. مُتَّكِئِينَ فِيهَا عَلَى الْأَرَائِكِ لَا يَرَوْنَ فِيهَا شَمْسًا وَلَا زَمْهَرِيرًا {13} [13] Reclining therein on raised couches, they shall find therein neither (the severe heat of) the sun nor intense cold. NEXT
15. وَدَانِيَةً عَلَيْهِمْ ظِلَالُهَا وَذُلِّلَتْ قُطُوفُهَا تَذْلِيلًا {14} [14] And close down upon them (shall be) its shadows, and its fruits shall be made near (to them), being easy to reach. NEXT
16. وَيُطَافُ عَلَيْهِم بِآنِيَةٍ مِّن فِضَّةٍ وَأَكْوَابٍ كَانَتْ قَوَارِيرَا {15} [15] And there shall be made to go round about them vessels of silver and goblets which are of glass, NEXT
17. قَوَارِيرَ مِن فِضَّةٍ قَدَّرُوهَا تَقْدِيرًا {16} [16] (Transparent as) glass, made of silver; they have measured them according to a measure. NEXT
18. وَيُسْقَوْنَ فِيهَا كَأْسًا كَانَ مِزَاجُهَا زَنجَبِيلًا {17} [17] And they shall be made to drink therein a cup the admixture of which shall be ginger, NEXT
19. عَيْنًا فِيهَا تُسَمَّى سَلْسَبِيلًا {18} [18] (Of) a fountain therein which is named Salsabil. NEXT
20. وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَانٌ مُّخَلَّدُونَ إِذَا رَأَيْتَهُمْ حَسِبْتَهُمْ لُؤْلُؤًا مَّنثُورًا {19} [19] And round about them shall go youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls. NEXT
21. وَإِذَا رَأَيْتَ ثَمَّ رَأَيْتَ نَعِيمًا وَمُلْكًا كَبِيرًا {20} [20] And when you see there, you shall see blessings and a great kingdom. NEXT
22. عَالِيَهُمْ ثِيَابُ سُندُسٍ خُضْرٌ وَإِسْتَبْرَقٌ وَحُلُّوا أَسَاوِرَ مِن فِضَّةٍ وَسَقَاهُمْ رَبُّهُمْ شَرَابًا طَهُورًا {21} [21] Upon them shall be garments of fine green silk and thick silk interwoven with gold, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall make them drink a pure drink. NEXT
23. إِنَّ هَذَا كَانَ لَكُمْ جَزَاء وَكَانَ سَعْيُكُم مَّشْكُورًا {22} [22] Surely this is a reward for you, and your striving shall be recompensed. NEXT
24. إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْآنَ تَنزِيلًا {23} [23] Surely We Ourselves have revealed the Quran to you revealing (it) in portions. NEXT
25. فَاصْبِرْ لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ وَلَا تُطِعْ مِنْهُمْ آثِمًا أَوْ كَفُورًا {24} [24] Therefore wait patiently for the command of your Lord, and obey not from among them a sinner or an ungrateful one. NEXT
26. وَاذْكُرِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا {25} [25] And glorify the name of your Lord morning and evening. NEXT
27. وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَاسْجُدْ لَهُ وَسَبِّحْهُ لَيْلًا طَوِيلًا {26} [26] And during part of the night adore Him, and give glory to Him (a) long (part of the) night. NEXT
28. إِنَّ هَؤُلَاء يُحِبُّونَ الْعَاجِلَةَ وَيَذَرُونَ وَرَاءهُمْ يَوْمًا ثَقِيلًا {27} [27] Surely these love the transitory and neglect a grievous day before them. NEXT
29. نَحْنُ خَلَقْنَاهُمْ وَشَدَدْنَا أَسْرَهُمْ وَإِذَا شِئْنَا بَدَّلْنَا أَمْثَالَهُمْ تَبْدِيلًا {28} [28] We created them and made firm their make, and when We please We will bring in their place the likes of them by a change. NEXT
30. إِنَّ هَذِهِ تَذْكِرَةٌ فَمَن شَاء اتَّخَذَ إِلَى رَبِّهِ سَبِيلًا {29} [29] Surely this is a reminder, so whoever pleases takes to his Lord a way. NEXT
31. وَمَا تَشَاؤُونَ إِلَّا أَن يَشَاء اللَّهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا {30} [30] And you do not please except that Allah please, surely Allah is Knowing, Wise; NEXT
32. يُدْخِلُ مَن يَشَاء فِي رَحْمَتِهِ وَالظَّالِمِينَ أَعَدَّ لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا {31} [31] He makes whom He pleases to enter into His mercy; and (as for) the unjust, He has prepared for them a painful chastisement. NEXT
33. This presentation is produced by AlMujtaba Home Page Special thanks to: Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project NEXT
34. Please Recite Surat AlFatiha On Grand Ayatullah Sayed Muhammed Kadhim Al-Yazdi, Grand Ayatullah Sayed Mohsin Al-Hakeem, Ayatullah Sayed Ibrahim Tabatabai, Ayatullah Sayed Muhammed Mahdi AlHakeem, Ayatullah Sayed Muhammed Baqir AlHakeem, And All The Martyrs Of The Family Of AlHakeem. The End

Al Baqarah
Surah 2. The Cow

2:1 A.L.M.

2:2 This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah;
Thalika alkitabu larayba feehi hudan lilmuttaqeena

2:3 Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;
Allatheena yu/minoona bialghaybiwayuqeemoona alssalata wamimma razaqnahumyunfiqoona

2:4 And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.
Waallatheena yu/minoona bimaonzila ilayka wama onzila min qablika wabial-akhiratihum yooqinoona

2:5 They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and it is these who will prosper.
Ola-ika AAala hudan minrabbihim waola-ika humu almuflihoona

2:6 As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe.
Inna allatheena kafaroo sawaonAAalayhim aanthartahum am lam tunthirhum layu/minoona

2:7 Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur).
Khatama Allahu AAala quloobihimwaAAala samAAihim waAAala absarihim ghishawatunwalahum AAathabun AAatheemun

2:8 Of the people there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day;" but they do not (really) believe.
Wamina alnnasi man yaqoolu amannabiAllahi wabialyawmi al-akhiri wamahum bimu/mineena

2:9 Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realise (it) not!
YukhadiAAoona Allaha waallatheenaamanoo wama yakhdaAAoona illa anfusahum wamayashAAuroona

2:10 In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).
Fee quloobihim maradun fazadahumuAllahu maradan walahum AAathabun aleemun bimakanoo yakthiboona

2:11 When it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "Why, we only Want to make peace!"
Wa-itha qeela lahum latufsidoo fee al-ardi qaloo innama nahnumuslihoona

2:12 Of a surety, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realise (it) not.
Ala innahum humu almufsidoona walakinla yashAAuroona

2:13 When it is said to them: "Believe as the others believe:" They say: "Shall we believe as the fools believe?" Nay, of a surety they are the fools, but they do not know.
Wa-itha qeela lahum aminoo kamaamana alnnasu qaloo anu/minu kamaamana alssufahao ala innahum humu alssufahaowalakin la yaAAlamoona

2:14 When they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe;" but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say: "We are really with you: We (were) only jesting."
Wa-itha laqoo allatheena amanooqaloo amanna wa-itha khalaw ilashayateenihim qaloo inna maAAakum innamanahnu mustahzi-oona

2:15 Allah will throw back their mockery on them, and give them rope in their trespasses; so they will wander like blind ones (To and fro).
Allahu yastahzi-o bihim wayamudduhumfee tughyanihim yaAAmahoona

2:16 These are they who have bartered Guidance for error: But their traffic is profitless, and they have lost true direction,
Ola-ika allatheena ishtarawooalddalalata bialhuda famarabihat tijaratuhum wama kanoomuhtadeena

2:17 Their similitude is that of a man who kindled a fire; when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in utter darkness. So they could not see.
Mathaluhum kamathali allatheeistawqada naran falamma adaat ma hawlahuthahaba Allahu binoorihim watarakahum fee thulumatinla yubsiroona

2:18 Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path).
Summun bukmun AAumyun fahum layarjiAAoona

2:19 Or (another similitude) is that of a rain-laden cloud from the sky: In it are zones of darkness, and thunder and lightning: They press their fingers in their ears to keep out the stunning thunder-clap, the while they are in terror of death. But Allah is ever round the rejecters of Faith!
Aw kasayyibin mina alssama-ifeehi thulumatun waraAAdun wabarqunyajAAaloona asabiAAahum fee athanihim mina alssawaAAiqihathara almawti waAllahu muheetunbialkafireena

2:20 The lightning all but snatches away their sight; every time the light (Helps) them, they walk therein, and when the darkness grows on them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, He could take away their faculty of hearing and seeing; for Allah hath power over all things.
Yakadu albarqu yakhtafu absarahumkullama adaa lahum mashaw feehi wa-itha athlamaAAalayhim qamoo walaw shaa Allahu lathahababisamAAihim waabsarihim inna Allaha AAalakulli shay-in qadeerun

2:21 O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness;
Ya ayyuha alnnasuoAAbudoo rabbakumu allathee khalaqakum waallatheenamin qablikum laAAallakum tattaqoona

2:22 Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance; then set not up rivals unto Allah when ye know (the truth).
Allathee jaAAala lakumu al-ardafirashan waalssamaa binaan waanzalamina alssama-i maan faakhraja bihi mina alththamaratirizqan lakum fala tajAAaloo lillahi andadanwaantum taAAlamoona

2:23 And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.
Wa-in kuntum fee raybin mimma nazzalnaAAala AAabdina fa/too bisooratin min mithlihi waodAAooshuhadaakum min dooni Allahi in kuntum sadiqeena

2:24 But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith.
Fa-in lam tafAAaloo walan tafAAaloo faittaqooalnnara allatee waqooduha alnnasuwaalhijaratu oAAiddat lilkafireena

2:25 But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (for ever).
Wabashshiri allatheena amanoowaAAamiloo alssalihati anna lahum jannatintajree min tahtiha al-anharu kullamaruziqoo minha min thamaratin rizqan qaloo hathaallathee ruziqna min qablu waotoo bihi mutashabihanwalahum feeha azwajun mutahharatun wahumfeeha khalidoona

2:26 Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things, lowest as well as highest. Those who believe know that it is truth from their Lord; but those who reject Faith say: "What means Allah by this similitude?" By it He causes many to stray, and many He leads into the right path; but He causes not to stray, except those who forsake (the path),-
Inna Allaha la yastahyeean yadriba mathalan ma baAAoodatan famafawqaha faamma allatheena amanoofayaAAlamoona annahu alhaqqu min rabbihim waammaallatheena kafaroo fayaqooloona matha aradaAllahu bihatha mathalan yudillu bihikatheeran wayahdee bihi katheeran wama yudillu bihiilla alfasiqeena

2:27 Those who break Allah's Covenant after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah Has ordered to be joined, and do mischief on earth: These cause loss (only) to themselves.
Allatheena yanqudoona AAahdaAllahi min baAAdi meethaqihi wayaqtaAAoona maamara Allahu bihi an yoosala wayufsidoona fee al-ardiola-ika humu alkhasiroona

2:28 How can ye reject the faith in Allah?- seeing that ye were without life, and He gave you life; then will He cause you to die, and will again bring you to life; and again to Him will ye return.
Kayfa takfuroona biAllahiwakuntum amwatan faahyakum thumma yumeetukumthumma yuhyeekum thumma ilayhi turjaAAoona

2:29 It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; Moreover His design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge.
Huwa allathee khalaqa lakum mafee al-ardi jameeAAan thumma istawa ila alssama-ifasawwahunna sabAAa samawatin wahuwa bikullishay-in AAaleemun

2:30 Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."
Wa-ith qala rabbuka lilmala-ikatiinnee jaAAilun fee al-ardi khaleefatan qalooatajAAalu feeha man yufsidu feeha wayasfiku alddimaawanahnu nusabbihu bihamdika wanuqaddisu lakaqala innee aAAlamu ma la taAAlamoona

2:31 And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed them before the angels, and said: "Tell me the nature of these if ye are right."
WaAAallama adama al-asmaakullaha thumma AAaradahum AAala almala-ikatifaqala anbi-oonee bi-asma-i haola-iin kuntum sadiqeena

2:32 They said: "Glory to Thee, of knowledge We have none, save what Thou Hast taught us: In truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom."
Qaloo subhanaka laAAilma lana illa ma AAallamtanainnaka anta alAAaleemu alhakeemu

2:33 He said: "O Adam! Tell them their natures." When he had told them, Allah said: "Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what ye reveal and what ye conceal?"
Qala ya adamu anbi/humbi-asma-ihim falamma anbaahum bi-asma-ihim qalaalam aqul lakum innee aAAlamu ghayba alssamawatiwaal-ardi waaAAlamu ma tubdoona wamakuntum taktumoona

2:34 And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith.
Wa-ith qulna lilmala-ikatiosjudoo li-adama fasajadoo illa ibleesa abawaistakbara wakana mina alkafireena

2:35 We said: "O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will; but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression."
Waqulna ya adamu oskunanta wazawjuka aljannata wakula minha raghadan haythushi/tuma wala taqraba hathihi alshshajaratafatakoona mina alththalimeena

2:36 Then did Satan make them slip from the (garden), and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said: "Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood - for a time."
Faazallahuma alshshaytanuAAanha faakhrajahuma mimma kanafeehi waqulna ihbitoo baAAdukum libaAAdinAAaduwwun walakum fee al-ardi mustaqarrun wamataAAunila heenin

2:37 Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord Turned towards him; for He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.
Fatalaqqa adamu min rabbihikalimatin fataba AAalayhi innahu huwa alttawwabualrraheemu

2:38 We said: "Get ye down all from here; and if, as is sure, there comes to you Guidance from me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Qulna ihbitoo minhajameeAAan fa-imma ya/tiyannakum minnee hudan faman tabiAAahudaya fala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona

2:39 "But those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs, they shall be companions of the Fire; they shall abide therein."
Waallatheena kafaroo wakaththaboobi-ayatina ola-ika as-habualnnari hum feeha khalidoona

2:40 O Children of Israel! call to mind the (special) favor which I bestowed upon you, and fulfil your covenant with Me as I fulfil My Covenant with you, and fear none but Me.
Ya banee isra-eela othkurooniAAmatiya allatee anAAamtu AAalaykum waawfoo biAAahdee oofibiAAahdikum wa-iyyaya fairhabooni

2:41 And believe in what I reveal, confirming the revelation which is with you, and be not the first to reject Faith therein, nor sell My Signs for a small price; and fear Me, and Me alone.
Waaminoo bima anzaltu musaddiqanlima maAAakum wala takoonoo awwala kafirinbihi wala tashtaroo bi-ayatee thamananqaleelan wa-iyyaya faittaqooni

2:42 And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is).
Wala talbisoo alhaqqa bialbatiliwataktumoo alhaqqa waantum taAAlamoona

2:43 And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship).
Waaqeemoo alssalata waatooalzzakata wairkaAAoo maAAa alrrakiAAeena

2:44 Do ye enjoin right conduct on the people, and forget (To practise it) yourselves, and yet ye study the Scripture? Will ye not understand?
Ata/muroona alnnasa bialbirriwatansawna anfusakum waantum tatloona alkitaba afalataAAqiloona

2:45 Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit,-
WaistaAAeenoo bialssabriwaalssalati wa-innaha lakabeeratunilla AAala alkhashiAAeena

2:46 Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they are to return to Him.
Allatheena yathunnoonaannahum mulaqoo rabbihim waannahum ilayhi rajiAAoona

2:47 Children of Israel! call to mind the (special) favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you to all other (for My Message).
Ya banee isra-eela othkurooniAAmatiya allatee anAAamtu AAalaykum waannee faddaltukumAAala alAAalameena

2:48 Then guard yourselves against a day when one soul shall not avail another nor shall intercession be accepted for her, nor shall compensation be taken from her, nor shall anyone be helped (from outside).
Waittaqoo yawman la tajzeenafsun AAan nafsin shay-an wala yuqbalu minha shafaAAatunwala yu/khathu minha AAadlun wala humyunsaroona

2:49 And remember, We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh: They set you hard tasks and punishments, slaughtered your sons and let your women-folk live; therein was a tremendous trial from your Lord.
Wa-ith najjaynakum min alifirAAawna yasoomoonakum soo-a alAAathabi yuthabbihoonaabnaakum wayastahyoona nisaakum wafee thalikumbalaon min rabbikum AAatheemun

2:50 And remember We divided the sea for you and saved you and drowned Pharaoh's people within your very sight.
Wa-ith faraqna bikumu albahrafaanjaynakum waaghraqna ala firAAawnawaantum tanthuroona

2:51 And remember We appointed forty nights for Moses, and in his absence ye took the calf (for worship), and ye did grievous wrong.
Wa-ith waAAadna moosaarbaAAeena laylatan thumma ittakhathtumu alAAijla minbaAAdihi waantum thalimoona

2:52 Even then We did forgive you; there was a chance for you to be grateful.
Thumma AAafawna AAankum min baAAdi thalikalaAAallakum tashkuroona

2:53 And remember We gave Moses the Scripture and the Criterion (Between right and wrong): There was a chance for you to be guided aright.
Wa-ith atayna moosaalkitaba waalfurqana laAAallakum tahtadoona

2:54 And remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Ye have indeed wronged yourselves by your worship of the calf: So turn (in repentance) to your Maker, and slay yourselves (the wrong-doers); that will be better for you in the sight of your Maker." Then He turned towards you (in forgiveness): For He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.
Wa-ith qala moosaliqawmihi ya qawmi innakum thalamtumanfusakum biittikhathikumu alAAijla fatooboo ilabari-ikum faoqtuloo anfusakum thalikumkhayrun lakum AAinda bari-ikum fataba AAalaykuminnahu huwa alttawwabu alrraheemu

2:55 And remember ye said: "O Moses! We shall never believe in thee until we see Allah manifestly," but ye were dazed with thunder and lighting even as ye looked on.
Wa-ith qultum ya moosalan nu/mina laka hatta nara Allahajahratan faakhathatkumu alssaAAiqatu waantumtanthuroona

2:56 Then We raised you up after your death: Ye had the chance to be grateful.
Thumma baAAathnakum min baAAdimawtikum laAAallakum tashkuroona

2:57 And We gave you the shade of clouds and sent down to you Manna and quails, saying: "Eat of the good things We have provided for you:" (But they rebelled); to us they did no harm, but they harmed their own souls.
Wathallalna AAalaykumualghamama waanzalna AAalaykumu almanna waalssalwakuloo min tayyibati ma razaqnakum wamathalamoona walakin kanooanfusahum yathlimoona

2:58 And remember We said: "Enter this town, and eat of the plenty therein as ye wish; but enter the gate with humility, in posture and in words, and We shall forgive you your faults and increase (the portion of) those who do good."
Wa-ith qulna odkhuloo hathihialqaryata fakuloo minha haythu shi/tum raghadan waodkhulooalbaba sujjadan waqooloo hittatun naghfirlakum khatayakum wasanazeedu almuhsineena

2:59 But the transgressors changed the word from that which had been given them; so We sent on the transgressors a plague from heaven, for that they infringed (Our command) repeatedly.
Fabaddala allatheena thalamooqawlan ghayra allathee qeela lahum faanzalna AAalaallatheena thalamoo rijzan mina alssama-ibima kanoo yafsuqoona

2:60 And remember Moses prayed for water for his people; We said: "Strike the rock with thy staff." Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs. Each group knew its own place for water. So eat and drink of the sustenance provided by Allah, and do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) earth.
Wa-ithi istasqa moosaliqawmihi faqulna idrib biAAasaka alhajarafainfajarat minhu ithnata AAashrata AAaynan qadAAalima kullu onasin mashrabahum kuloo waishraboomin rizqi Allahi wala taAAthaw fee al-ardimufsideena

2:61 And remember ye said: "O Moses! we cannot endure one kind of food (always); so beseech thy Lord for us to produce for us of what the earth groweth, -its pot-herbs, and cucumbers, Its garlic, lentils, and onions." He said: "Will ye exchange the better for the worse? Go ye down to any town, and ye shall find what ye want!" They were covered with humiliation and misery; they drew on themselves the wrath of Allah. This because they went on rejecting the Signs of Allah and slaying His Messengers without just cause. This because they rebelled and went on transgressing.
Wa-ith qultum ya moosalan nasbira AAala taAAamin wahidinfaodAAu lana rabbaka yukhrij lana mimmatunbitu al-ardu min baqliha waqiththa-ihawafoomiha waAAadasiha wabasaliha qalaatastabdiloona allathee huwa adna biallatheehuwa khayrun ihbitoo misran fa-inna lakum masaaltum waduribat AAalayhimu alththillatu waalmaskanatuwabaoo bighadabin mina Allahi thalikabi-annahum kanoo yakfuroona bi-ayati Allahiwayaqtuloona alnnabiyyeena bighayri alhaqqi thalikabima AAasaw wakanoo yaAAtadoona

2:62 Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Inna allatheena amanoo waallatheenahadoo waalnnasara waalssabi-eenaman amana biAllahi waalyawmi al-akhiriwaAAamila salihan falahum ajruhum AAinda rabbihimwala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona

2:63 And remember We took your covenant and We raised above you (The towering height) of Mount (Sinai) : (Saying): "Hold firmly to what We have given you and bring (ever) to remembrance what is therein: Perchance ye may fear Allah."
Wa-ith akhathna meethaqakumwarafaAAna fawqakumu alttoora khuthooma ataynakum biquwwatin waothkurooma feehi laAAallakum tattaqoona

2:64 But ye turned back thereafter: Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah to you, ye had surely been among the lost.
Thumma tawallaytum min baAAdi thalikafalawla fadlu Allahi AAalaykum warahmatuhulakuntum mina alkhasireena

2:65 And well ye knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected."
Walaqad AAalimtumu allatheenaiAAtadaw minkum fee alssabti faqulna lahum koonooqiradatan khasi-eena

2:66 So We made it an example to their own time and to their posterity, and a lesson to those who fear Allah.
FajaAAalnaha nakalanlima bayna yadayha wama khalfahawamawAAithatan lilmuttaqeena

2:67 And remember Moses said to his people: "Allah commands that ye sacrifice a heifer." They said: "Makest thou a laughing-stock of us?" He said: "Allah save me from being an ignorant (fool)!"
Wa-ith qala moosaliqawmihi inna Allaha ya/murukum an tathbahoobaqaratan qaloo atattakhithuna huzuwan qalaaAAoothu biAllahi an akoona mina aljahileena

2:68 They said: "Beseech on our behalf Thy Lord to make plain to us what (heifer) it is!" He said; "He says: The heifer should be neither too old nor too young, but of middling age. Now do what ye are commanded!"
Qaloo odAAu lana rabbakayubayyin lana ma hiya qala innahu yaqooluinnaha baqaratun la faridun walabikrun AAawanun bayna thalika faifAAaloo matu/maroona

2:69 They said: "Beseech on our behalf Thy Lord to make plain to us Her colour." He said: "He says: A fawn-coloured heifer, pure and rich in tone, the admiration of beholders!"
Qaloo odAAu lana rabbakayubayyin lana ma lawnuha qala innahuyaqoolu innaha baqaratun safrao faqiAAunlawnuha tasurru alnnathireena

2:70 They said: "Beseech on our behalf Thy Lord to make plain to us what she is: To us are all heifers alike: We wish indeed for guidance, if Allah wills."
Qaloo odAAu lana rabbakayubayyin lana ma hiya inna albaqara tashabahaAAalayna wa-inna in shaa Allahulamuhtadoona

2:71 He said: "He says: A heifer not trained to till the soil or water the fields; sound and without blemish." They said: "Now hast thou brought the truth." Then they offered her in sacrifice, but not with good-will.
Qala innahu yaqoolu innahabaqaratun la thaloolun tutheeru al-arda walatasqee alhartha musallamatun la shiyata feehaqaloo al-ana ji/ta bialhaqqi fathabahoohawama kadoo yafAAaloona

2:72 Remember ye slew a man and fell into a dispute among yourselves as to the crime: But Allah was to bring forth what ye did hide.
Wa-ith qataltum nafsan faiddara/tumfeeha waAllahu mukhrijun ma kuntumtaktumoona

2:73 So We said: "Strike the (body) with a piece of the (heifer)." Thus Allah bringeth the dead to life and showeth you His Signs: Perchance ye may understand.
Faqulna idriboohu bibaAAdihakathalika yuhyee Allahu almawtawayureekum ayatihi laAAallakum taAAqiloona

2:74 Thenceforth were your hearts hardened: They became like a rock and even worse in hardness. For among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder send forth water; and others which sink for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.
Thumma qasat quloobukum min baAAdi thalikafahiya kaalhijarati aw ashaddu qaswatanwa-inna mina alhijarati lama yatafajjaruminhu al-anharu wa-inna minha lamayashshaqqaqu fayakhruju minhu almao wa-inna minhalama yahbitu min khashyati Allahi wamaAllahu bighafilin AAamma taAAmaloona

2:75 Can ye (o ye men of Faith) entertain the hope that they will believe in you?- Seeing that a party of them heard the Word of Allah, and perverted it knowingly after they understood it.
AfatatmaAAoona an yu/minoo lakumwaqad kana fareequn minhum yasmaAAoona kalama Allahithumma yuharrifoonahu min baAAdi ma AAaqaloohuwahum yaAAlamoona

2:76 Behold! when they meet the men of Faith, they say: "We believe": But when they meet each other in private, they say: "Shall you tell them what Allah hath revealed to you, that they may engage you in argument about it before your Lord?"- Do ye not understand (their aim)?
Wa-itha laqoo allatheena amanooqaloo amanna wa-itha khalabaAAduhum ila baAAdin qaloo atuhaddithoonahumbima fataha Allahu AAalaykum liyuhajjookumbihi AAinda rabbikum afala taAAqiloona

2:77 Know they not that Allah knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal?
Awa la yaAAlamoona anna AllahayaAAlamu ma yusirroona wama yuAAlinoona

2:78 And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book, but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.
Waminhum ommiyyoona la yaAAlamoonaalkitaba illa amaniyya wa-in hum illayathunnoona

2:79 Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:"This is from Allah," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.
Fawaylun lillatheena yaktuboona alkitababi-aydeehim thumma yaqooloona hatha min AAindi Allahiliyashtaroo bihi thamanan qaleelan fawaylun lahum mimmakatabat aydeehim wawaylun lahum mimma yaksiboona

2:80 And they say: "The Fire shall not touch us but for a few numbered days:" Say: "Have ye taken a promise from Allah, for He never breaks His promise? or is it that ye say of Allah what ye do not know?"
Waqaloo lan tamassana alnnaruilla ayyaman maAAdoodatan qul attakhathtumAAinda Allahi AAahdan falan yukhlifa AllahuAAahdahu am taqooloona AAala Allahi ma lataAAlamoona

2:81 Nay, those who seek gain in evil, and are girt round by their sins,- they are companions of the Fire: Therein shall they abide (For ever).
Bala man kasaba sayyi-atan waahatatbihi khatee-atuhu faola-ika as-habu alnnarihum feeha khalidoona

2:82 But those who have faith and work righteousness, they are companions of the Garden: Therein shall they abide (For ever).
Waallatheena amanoowaAAamiloo alssalihati ola-ika as-habualjannati hum feeha khalidoona

2:83 And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel (to this effect): Worship none but Allah; treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now).
Wa-ith akhathna meethaqabanee isra-eela la taAAbudoona illa Allahawabialwalidayni ihsanan watheealqurba waalyatama waalmasakeeniwaqooloo lilnnasi husnan waaqeemoo alssalatawaatoo alzzakata thumma tawallaytum illaqaleelan minkum waantum muAAridoona

2:84 And remember We took your covenant (to this effect): Shed no blood amongst you, nor turn out your own people from your homes: and this ye solemnly ratified, and to this ye can bear witness.
Wa-ith akhathna meethaqakumla tasfikoona dimaakum wala tukhrijoonaanfusakum min diyarikum thumma aqrartum waantum tashhadoona

2:85 After this it is ye, the same people, who slay among yourselves, and banish a party of you from their homes; assist (Their enemies) against them, in guilt and rancour; and if they come to you as captives, ye ransom them, though it was not lawful for you to banish them. Then is it only a part of the Book that ye believe in, and do ye reject the rest? but what is the reward for those among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life?- and on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty. For Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.
Thumma antum haola-itaqtuloona anfusakum watukhrijoona fareeqan minkum min diyarihimtathaharoona AAalayhim bial-ithmi waalAAudwaniwa-in ya/tookum osara tufadoohum wahuwa muharramunAAalaykum ikhrajuhum afatu/minoona bibaAAdi alkitabiwatakfuroona bibaAAdin fama jazao manyafAAalu thalika minkum illa khizyun fee alhayatialddunya wayawma alqiyamati yuraddoona ilaashaddi alAAathabi wama Allahu bighafilinAAamma taAAmaloona

2:86 These are the people who buy the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter: their penalty shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped.
Ola-ika allatheena ishtarawooalhayata alddunya bial-akhiratifala yukhaffafu AAanhumu alAAathabu wala humyunsaroona

2:87 We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of apostles; We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you an apostle with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay!
Walaqad atayna moosaalkitaba waqaffayna min baAAdihi bialrrusuliwaatayna AAeesa ibna maryama albayyinatiwaayyadnahu biroohi alqudusi afakullama jaakumrasoolun bima la tahwa anfusukumuistakbartum fafareeqan kaththabtum wafareeqan taqtuloona

2:88 They say, "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah's Word: we need no more)." Nay, Allah's curse is on them for their blasphemy: Little is it they believe.
Waqaloo quloobuna ghulfun ballaAAanahumu Allahu bikufrihim faqaleelan mayu/minoona

2:89 And when there comes to them a Book from Allah, confirming what is with them,- although from of old they had prayed for victory against those without Faith,- when there comes to them that which they (should) have recognised, they refuse to believe in it but the curse of Allah is on those without Faith.
Walamma jaahum kitabunmin AAindi Allahi musaddiqun lima maAAahumwakanoo min qablu yastaftihoona AAala allatheenakafaroo falamma jaahum ma AAarafoo kafaroobihi falaAAnatu Allahi AAala alkafireena

2:90 Miserable is the price for which they have sold their souls, in that they deny (the revelation) which Allah has sent down, in insolent envy that Allah of His Grace should send it to any of His servants He pleases: Thus have they drawn on themselves Wrath upon Wrath. And humiliating is the punishment of those who reject Faith.
Bi/sama ishtaraw bihi anfusahum anyakfuroo bima anzala Allahu baghyan an yunazzilaAllahu min fadlihi AAala man yashaomin AAibadihi fabaoo bighadabin AAalaghadabin walilkafireena AAathabun muheenun

2:91 When it is said to them, "Believe in what Allah Hath sent down, "they say, "We believe in what was sent down to us:" yet they reject all besides, even if it be Truth confirming what is with them. Say: "Why then have ye slain the prophets of Allah in times gone by, if ye did indeed believe?"
Wa-itha qeela lahum aminoo bimaanzala Allahu qaloo nu/minu bima onzilaAAalayna wayakfuroona bima waraahu wahuwa alhaqqumusaddiqan lima maAAahum qul falima taqtuloonaanbiyaa Allahi min qablu in kuntum mu/mineena

2:92 There came to you Moses with clear (Signs); yet ye worshipped the calf (Even) after that, and ye did behave wrongfully.
Walaqad jaakum moosa bialbayyinatithumma ittakhathtumu alAAijla min baAAdihi waantum thalimoona

2:93 And remember We took your covenant and We raised above you (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai): (Saying): "Hold firmly to what We have given you, and hearken (to the Law)": They said:" We hear, and we disobey:" And they had to drink into their hearts (of the taint) of the calf because of their Faithlessness. Say: "Vile indeed are the behests of your Faith if ye have any faith!"
Wa-ith akhathna meethaqakumwarafaAAna fawqakumu alttoora khuthooma ataynakum biquwwatin waismaAAoo qaloosamiAAna waAAasayna waoshriboo feequloobihimu alAAijla bikufrihim qul bi/sama ya/murukumbihi eemanukum in kuntum mu/mineena

2:94 Say: "If the last Home, with Allah, be for you specially, and not for anyone else, then seek ye for death, if ye are sincere."
Qul in kanat lakumu alddarual-akhiratu AAinda Allahi khalisatanmin dooni alnnasi fatamannawoo almawta in kuntum sadiqeena

2:95 But they will never seek for death, on account of the (sins) which their hands have sent on before them. and Allah is well-acquainted with the wrong-doers.
Walan yatamannawhu abadan bimaqaddamat aydeehim waAllahu AAaleemun bialththalimeena

2:96 Thou wilt indeed find them, of all people, most greedy of life,-even more than the idolaters: Each one of them wishes He could be given a life of a thousand years: But the grant of such life will not save him from (due) punishment. For Allah sees well all that they do.
Walatajidannahum ahrasa alnnasiAAala hayatin wamina allatheenaashrakoo yawaddu ahaduhum law yuAAammaru alfa sanatin wamahuwa bimuzahzihihi mina alAAathabi anyuAAammara waAllahu baseerun bimayaAAmaloona

2:97 Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel-for he brings down the (revelation) to thy heart by Allah's will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe,-
Qul man kana AAaduwwan lijibreelafa-innahu nazzalahu AAala qalbika bi-ithni Allahimusaddiqan lima bayna yadayhi wahudan wabushralilmu/mineena

2:98 Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles, to Gabriel and Michael,- Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith.
Man kana AAaduwwan lillahiwamala-ikatihi warusulihi wajibreela wameekalafa-inna Allaha AAaduwwun lilkafireena

2:99 We have sent down to thee Manifest Signs (ayat); and none reject them but those who are perverse.
Walaqad anzalna ilayka ayatinbayyinatin wama yakfuru biha illa alfasiqoona

2:100 Is it not (the case) that every time they make a covenant, some party among them throw it aside?- Nay, Most of them are faithless.
Awa kullama AAahadoo AAahdannabathahu fareequn minhum bal aktharuhum layu/minoona

2:101 And when there came to them an apostle from Allah, confirming what was with them, a party of the people of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if (it had been something) they did not know!
Walamma jaahum rasoolun minAAindi Allahi musaddiqun lima maAAahum nabathafareequn mina allatheena ootoo alkitaba kitabaAllahi waraa thuhoorihim kaannahum layaAAlamoona

2:102 They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men Magic, and such things as came down at babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (Such things) without saying: "We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme." They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the price for which they did sell their souls, if they but knew!
WaittabaAAoo ma tatloo alshshayateenuAAala mulki sulaymana wama kafara sulaymanuwalakinna alshshayateena kafarooyuAAallimoona alnnasa alssihra wamaonzila AAala almalakayni bibabila harootawamaroota wama yuAAallimani min ahadinhatta yaqoola innama nahnufitnatun fala takfur fayataAAallamoona minhuma mayufarriqoona bihi bayna almar-i wazawjihi wama hum bidarreenabihi min ahadin illa bi-ithni AllahiwayataAAallamoona ma yadurruhum walayanfaAAuhum walaqad AAalimoo lamani ishtarahu malahu fee al-akhirati min khalaqin walabi/sa masharaw bihi anfusahum law kanoo yaAAlamoona

2:103 If they had kept their Faith and guarded themselves from evil, far better had been the reward from their Lord, if they but knew!
Walaw annahum amanoo waittaqawlamathoobatun min AAindi Allahi khayrun law kanooyaAAlamoona

2:104 O ye of Faith! Say not (to the Apostle) words of ambiguous import, but words of respect; and hearken (to him): To those without Faith is a grievous punishment.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoola taqooloo raAAina waqooloo onthurnawaismaAAoo walilkafireena AAathabun aleemun

2:105 It is never the wish of those without Faith among the People of the Book, nor of the Pagans, that anything good should come down to you from your Lord. But Allah will choose for His special Mercy whom He will - for Allah is Lord of grace abounding.
Ma yawaddu allatheena kafaroomin ahli alkitabi wala almushrikeena an yunazzalaAAalaykum min khayrin min rabbikum waAllahu yakhtassubirahmatihi man yashao waAllahu thooalfadli alAAatheemi

2:106 None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?
Ma nansakh min ayatin awnunsiha na/ti bikhayrin minha aw mithlihaalam taAAlam anna Allaha AAala kulli shay-in qadeerun

2:107 Knowest thou not that to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Him ye have neither patron nor helper.
Alam taAAlam anna Allaha lahu mulkualssamawati waal-ardi wamalakum min dooni Allahi min waliyyin wala naseerin

2:108 Would ye question your Apostle as Moses was questioned of old? but whoever changeth from Faith to Unbelief, Hath strayed without doubt from the even way.
Am tureedoona an tas-aloo rasoolakum kamasu-ila moosa min qablu waman yatabaddali alkufra bial-eemanifaqad dalla sawaa alssabeeli

2:109 Quite a number of the People of the Book wish they could Turn you (people) back to infidelity after ye have believed, from selfish envy, after the Truth hath become Manifest unto them: But forgive and overlook, Till Allah accomplish His purpose; for Allah Hath power over all things.
Wadda katheerun min ahli alkitabilaw yaruddoonakum min baAAdi eemanikum kuffaran hasadanmin AAindi anfusihim min baAAdi ma tabayyana lahumu alhaqqufaoAAfoo waisfahoo hattaya/tiya Allahu bi-amrihi inna Allaha AAalakulli shay-in qadeerun

2:110 And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah: for Allah sees Well all that ye do.
Waaqeemoo alssalata waatooalzzakata wama tuqaddimoo li-anfusikum minkhayrin tajidoohu AAinda Allahi inna Allaha bimataAAmaloona baseerun

2:111 And they say: "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian." Those are their (vain) desires. Say: "Produce your proof if ye are truthful."
Waqaloo lan yadkhula aljannata illaman kana hoodan aw nasara tilka amaniyyuhumqul hatoo burhanakum in kuntum sadiqeena

2:112 Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to Allah and is a doer of good,- He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Bala man aslama wajhahu lillahiwahuwa muhsinun falahu ajruhu AAinda rabbihi walakhawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona

2:113 The Jews say: "The Christians have naught (to stand) upon; and the Christians say: "The Jews have naught (To stand) upon." Yet they (Profess to) study the (same) Book. Like unto their word is what those say who know not; but Allah will judge between them in their quarrel on the Day of Judgment.
Waqalati alyahoodu laysati alnnasaraAAala shay-in waqalati alnnasaralaysati alyahoodu AAala shay-in wahum yatloona alkitabakathalika qala allatheena layaAAlamoona mithla qawlihim faAllahu yahkumubaynahum yawma alqiyamati feema kanoo feehiyakhtalifoona

2:114 And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in places for the worship of Allah, Allah's name should be celebrated?-whose zeal is (in fact) to ruin them? It was not fitting that such should themselves enter them except in fear. For them there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and in the world to come, an exceeding torment.
Waman athlamu mimman manaAAamasajida Allahi an yuthkara feehaismuhu wasaAAa fee kharabiha ola-ikama kana lahum an yadkhulooha illa kha-ifeenalahum fee alddunya khizyun walahum fee al-akhiratiAAathabun AAatheemun

2:115 To Allah belong the east and the West: Whithersoever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah. For Allah is all-Pervading, all-Knowing.
Walillahi almashriqu waalmaghribufaaynama tuwalloo fathamma wajhu Allahi inna AllahawasiAAun AAaleemun

2:116 They say: "Allah hath begotten a son" :Glory be to Him.-Nay, to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: everything renders worship to Him.
Waqaloo itakhatha Allahuwaladan subhanahu bal lahu ma fee alssamawatiwaal-ardi kullun lahu qanitoona

2:117 To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is.
BadeeAAu alssamawatiwaal-ardi wa-itha qada amran fa-innamayaqoolu lahu kun fayakoonu

2:118 Say those without knowledge: "Why speaketh not Allah unto us? or why cometh not unto us a Sign?" So said the people before them words of similar import. Their hearts are alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith (in their hearts).
Waqala allatheena layaAAlamoona lawla yukallimuna Allahu awta/teena ayatun kathalika qala allatheenamin qablihim mithla qawlihim tashabahat quloobuhum qadbayyanna al-ayati liqawmin yooqinoona

2:119 Verily We have sent thee in truth as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner: But of thee no question shall be asked of the Companions of the Blazing Fire.
Inna arsalnaka bialhaqqibasheeran wanatheeran wala tus-alu Aaan as-habialjaheemi

2:120 Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the (only) Guidance." Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah.
Walan tarda AAanka alyahoodu walaalnnasara hatta tattabiAAamillatahum qul inna huda Allahi huwa alhudawala-ini ittabaAAta ahwaahum baAAda allathee jaakamina alAAilmi ma laka mina Allahi min waliyyin walanaseerin

2:121 Those to whom We have sent the Book study it as it should be studied: They are the ones that believe therein: Those who reject faith therein,- the loss is their own.
Allatheena ataynahumualkitaba yatloonahu haqqa tilawatihi ola-ikayu/minoona bihi waman yakfur bihi faola-ika humu alkhasiroona

2:122 O Children of Israel! call to mind the special favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you to all others (for My Message).
Ya banee isra-eela othkurooniAAmatiya allatee anAAamtu AAalaykum waannee faddaltukumAAala alAAalameena

2:123 Then guard yourselves against a-Day when one soul shall not avail another, nor shall compensation be accepted from her nor shall intercession profit her nor shall anyone be helped (from outside).
Waittaqoo yawman la tajzeenafsun AAan nafsin shay-an wala yuqbalu minhaAAadlun wala tanfaAAuha shafaAAatun walahum yunsaroona

2:124 And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled: He said: "I will make thee an Imam to the Nations." He pleaded: "And also (Imams) from my offspring!" He answered: "But My Promise is not within the reach of evil-doers."
Wa-ithi ibtala ibraheemarabbuhu bikalimatin faatammahunna qala innee jaAAilukalilnnasi imaman qala wamin thurriyyateeqala la yanalu AAahdee alththalimeena

2:125 Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and Isma'il, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer).
Wa-ith jaAAalna albayta mathabatanlilnnasi waamnan waittakhithoo minmaqami ibraheema musallan waAAahidnaila ibraheema wa-ismaAAeela an tahhirabaytiya liltta-ifeena waalAAakifeenawaalrrukkaAAi alssujoodi

2:126 And remember Abraham said: "My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and feed its people with fruits,-such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day." He said: "(Yea), and such as reject Faith,-for a while will I grant them their pleasure, but will soon drive them to the torment of Fire,- an evil destination (indeed)!"
Wa-ith qala ibraheemurabbi ijAAal hatha baladan aminan waorzuqahlahu mina alththamarati man amana minhumbiAllahi waalyawmi al-akhiri qalawaman kafara faomattiAAuhu qaleelan thumma adtarruhu ilaAAathabi alnnari wabi/sa almaseeru

2:127 And remember Abraham and Isma'il raised the foundations of the House (With this prayer): "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-knowing.
Wa-ith yarfaAAu ibraheemualqawaAAida mina albayti wa-ismaAAeelu rabbanataqabbal minna innaka anta alssameeAAu alAAaleemu

2:128 "Our Lord! make of us Muslims, bowing to Thy (Will), and of our progeny a people Muslim, bowing to Thy (will); and show us our place for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us (in Mercy); for Thou art the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.
Rabbana waijAAalnamuslimayni laka wamin thurriyyatina ommatanmuslimatan laka waarina manasikana watubAAalayna innaka anta alttawwabu alrraheemu

2:129 "Our Lord! send amongst them an Apostle of their own, who shall rehearse Thy Signs to them and instruct them in scripture and wisdom, and sanctify them: For Thou art the Exalted in Might, the Wise."
Rabbana waibAAath feehimrasoolan minhum yatloo AAalayhim ayatikawayuAAallimuhumu alkitaba waalhikmatawayuzakkeehim innaka anta alAAazeezu alhakeemu

2:130 And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: And he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the Righteous.
Waman yarghabu AAan millati ibraheemailla man safiha nafsahu walaqadi istafaynahufee alddunya wa-innahu fee al-akhiratilamina alssaliheena

2:131 Behold! his Lord said to him: "Bow (thy will to Me):" He said: "I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe."
Ith qala lahu rabbuhu aslim qalaaslamtu lirabbi alAAalameena

2:132 And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; "Oh my sons! Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam."
Wawassa biha ibraheemubaneehi wayaAAqoobu ya baniyya inna Allaha istafalakumu alddeena fala tamootunna illa waantummuslimoona

2:133 Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (True) Allah: To Him we bow (in Islam)."
Am kuntum shuhadaa ith hadarayaAAqooba almawtu ith qala libaneehi mataAAbudoona min baAAdee qaloo naAAbudu ilahakawa-ilaha aba-ika ibraheema wa-ismaAAeelawa-ishaqa ilahan wahidan wanahnu lahumuslimoona

2:134 That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case!
Tilka ommatun qad khalat laha makasabat walakum ma kasabtum wala tus-aloona AAammakano yaAAmaloona

2:135 They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with Allah."
Waqaloo koonoo hoodan aw nasaratahtadoo qul bal millata ibraheema haneefan wamakana mina almushrikeena

2:136 Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)."
Qooloo amanna biAllahiwama onzila ilayna wama onzila ilaibraheema wa-ismaAAeela wa-ishaqawayaAAqooba waal-asbati wama ootiya moosawaAAeesa wama ootiya alnnabiyyoona minrabbihim la nufarriqu bayna ahadin minhum wanahnulahu muslimoona

2:137 So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
Fa-in amanoo bimithli ma amantumbihi faqadi ihtadaw wa-in tawallaw fa-innama hum fee shiqaqinfasayakfeekahumu Allahu wahuwa alssameeAAualAAaleemu

2:138 (Our religion is) the Baptism of Allah: And who can baptize better than Allah? And it is He Whom we worship.
Sibghata Allahi waman ahsanumina Allahi sibghatan wanahnu lahu AAabidoona

2:139 Say: Will ye dispute with us about Allah, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere (in our faith) in Him?
Qul atuhajjoonana fee Allahiwahuwa rabbuna warabbukum walana aAAmalunawalakum aAAmalukum wanahnu lahu mukhlisoona

2:140 Or do ye say that Abraham, Isma'il Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do ye know better than Allah? Ah! who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah? but Allah is not unmindful of what ye do!
Am taqooloona inna ibraheema wa-ismaAAeelawa-ishaqa wayaAAqooba waal-asbata kanoohoodan aw nasara qul aantum aAAlamu ami Allahuwaman athlamu mimman katama shahadatanAAindahu mina Allahi wama Allahu bighafilinAAamma taAAmaloona

2:141 That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case:
Tilka ommatun qad khalat laha makasabat walakum ma kasabtum wala tus-aloona AAammakanoo yaAAmaloona

2:142 The fools among the people will say: "What hath turned them from the Qibla to which they were used?" Say: To Allah belong both east and West: He guideth whom He will to a Way that is straight.
Sayaqoolu alssufahao mina alnnasima wallahum AAan qiblatihimu allatee kanooAAalayha qul lillahi almashriqu waalmaghribuyahdee man yashao ila siratinmustaqeemin

2:143 Thus, have We made of you an Ummat justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Apostle a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Apostle from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). Indeed it was (A change) momentous, except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah Make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful.
Wakathalika jaAAalnakumommatan wasatan litakoonoo shuhadaa AAala alnnasiwayakoona alrrasoolu AAalaykum shaheedan wamajaAAalna alqiblata allatee kunta AAalayha illalinaAAlama man yattabiAAu alrrasoola mimman yanqalibu AAalaAAaqibayhi wa-in kanat lakabeeratan illa AAalaallatheena hada Allahu wama kanaAllahu liyudeeAAa eemanakum inna Allahabialnnasi laraoofun raheemun

2:144 We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens, now shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque. Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.
Qad nara taqalluba wajhika fee alssama-ifalanuwalliyannaka qiblatan tardaha fawalli wajhakashatra almasjidi alharami wahaythu makuntum fawalloo wujoohakum shatrahu wa-inna allatheenaootoo alkitaba layaAAlamoona annahu alhaqqu minrabbihim wama Allahu bighafilin AAammayaAAmaloona

2:145 Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other's Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires,-then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong.
Wala-in atayta allatheena ootooalkitaba bikulli ayatin ma tabiAAooqiblataka wama anta bitabiAAin qiblatahum wamabaAAduhum bitabiAAin qiblata baAAdinwala-ini ittabaAAta ahwaahum min baAAdi ma jaakamina alAAilmi innaka ithan lamina alththalimeena

2:146 The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.
Allatheena ataynahumualkitaba yaAArifoonahu kama yaAArifoona abnaahumwa-inna fareeqan minhum layaktumoona alhaqqa wahumyaAAlamoona

2:147 The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt.
Alhaqqu min rabbika falatakoonanna mina almumtareena

2:148 To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things.
Walikullin wijhatun huwa muwalleehafaistabiqoo alkhayrati aynama takoonoo ya/tibikumu Allahu jameeAAan inna Allaha AAalakulli shay-in qadeerun

2:149 From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth from the Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.
Wamin haythu kharajta fawalliwajhaka shatra almasjidi alharami wa-innahulalhaqqu min rabbika wama Allahu bighafilinAAamma taAAmaloona

2:150 So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favors on you, and ye may (consent to) be guided.
Wamin haythu kharajta fawalliwajhaka shatra almasjidi alharami wahaythuma kuntum fawalloo wujoohakum shatrahu li-allayakoona lilnnasi AAalaykum hujjatun illaallatheena thalamoo minhum falatakhshawhum waikhshawnee wali-otimma niAAmatee AAalaykumwalaAAallakum tahtadoona

2:151 A similar (favor have ye already received) in that We have sent among you an Apostle of your own, rehearsing to you Our Signs, and sanctifying you, and instructing you in Scripture and Wisdom, and in new knowledge.
Kama arsalna feekum rasoolanminkum yatloo AAalaykum ayatinawayuzakkeekum wayuAAallimukumu alkitaba waalhikmatawayuAAallimukum ma lam takoonoo taAAlamoona

2:152 Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and reject not Faith.
Faothkuroonee athkurkumwaoshkuroo lee wala takfurooni

2:153 O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooistaAAeenoo bialssabri waalssalatiinna Allaha maAAa alssabireena

2:154 And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah; "They are dead." Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not.
Wala taqooloo liman yuqtalu feesabeeli Allahi amwatun bal ahyaon walakinla tashAAuroona

2:155 Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,
Walanabluwannakum bishay-in mina alkhawfiwaaljooAAi wanaqsin mina al-amwali waal-anfusiwaalththamarati wabashshiri alssabireena

2:156 Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return."
Allatheena itha asabat-hummuseebatun qaloo inna lillahi wa-innailayhi rajiAAoona

2:157 They are those on whom (descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance.
Ola-ika AAalayhim salawatunmin rabbihim warahmatun waola-ika humu almuhtadoona

2:158 Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the House in the Season or at other times, should compass them round, it is no sin in them. And if any one obeyeth his own impulse to good, be sure that Allah is He Who recogniseth and knoweth.
Inna alssafa waalmarwatamin shaAAa-iri Allahi faman hajja albaytaawi iAAtamara fala junaha AAalayhi an yattawwafabihima waman tatawwaAAa khayran fa-inna Allahashakirun AAaleemun

2:159 Those who conceal the clear (Signs) We have sent down, and the Guidance, after We have made it clear for the People in the Book, on them shall be Allah's curse, and the curse of those entitled to curse.
Inna allatheena yaktumoona maanzalna mina albayyinati waalhuda minbaAAdi ma bayyannahu lilnnasi feealkitabi ola-ika yalAAanuhumu AllahuwayalAAanuhumu allaAAinoona

2:160 Except those who repent and make amends and openly declare (the Truth); to them I turn; for I am Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
Illa allatheena taboowaaslahoo wabayyanoo faola-ika atoobuAAalayhim waana alttawwabu alrraheemu

2:161 Those who reject faith, and die rejecting, on them is Allah's curse, and the curse of Angels, and of all mankind;
Inna allatheena kafaroo wamatoowahum kuffarun ola-ika AAalayhim laAAnatu Allahiwaalmala-ikati waalnnasi ajmaAAeena

2:162 They will abide therein; their penalty will not be lightened, nor will respite be their (lot).
Khalideena feeha layukhaffafu AAanhumu alAAathabu wala hum yuntharoona

2:163 And your Allah is One Allah; There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Wa-ilahukum ilahun wahidunla ilaha illa huwa alrrahmanualrraheemu

2:164 Behold! in the creation of the Heavens and the Earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth; (here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise.
Inna fee khalqi alssamawatiwaal-ardi waikhtilafi allayli waalnnahariwaalfulki allatee tajree fee albahri bimayanfaAAu alnnasa wama anzala Allahumina alssama-i min ma-in faahyabihi al-arda baAAda mawtiha wabaththa feehamin kulli dabbatin watasreefi alrriyahiwaalssahabi almusakhkhari bayna alssama-iwaal-ardi laayatin liqawminyaAAqiloona

2:165 Yet there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with Allah). They love them as they should love Allah. But those of faith are overflowing in their love for Allah. If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty; that to Allah belongs all power, and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty.
Wamina alnnasi man yattakhithumin dooni Allahi andadan yuhibboonahum kahubbiAllahi waallatheena amanoo ashaddu hubbanlillahi walaw yara allatheena thalamooith yarawna alAAathaba anna alquwwata lillahijameeAAan waanna Allaha shadeedu alAAathabi

2:166 Then would those who are followed clear themselves of those who follow (them); they would see the penalty, and all relations between them would be cut off.
Ith tabarraa allatheenaittubiAAoo mina allatheena ittabaAAoo waraawoo alAAathabawataqattaAAat bihimu al-asbabu

2:167 And those who followed would say: "If only we had one more chance, we would clear ourselves of them, as they have cleared themselves of us." Thus will Allah show them (the fruits of) their deeds as (nothing but) regrets. Nor will there be a way for them out of the Fire.
Waqala allatheena ittabaAAoolaw anna lana karratan fanatabarraa minhum kamatabarraoo minna kathalika yureehimu AllahuaAAmalahum hasaratin AAalayhim wamahum bikharijeena mina alnnari

2:168 O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of the Evil One, for he is to you an avowed enemy.
Ya ayyuha alnnasukuloo mimma fee al-ardi halalan tayyibanwala tattabiAAoo khutuwati alshshaytaniinnahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun

2:169 For he commands you what is evil and shameful and that ye should say of Allah that of which ye have no knowledge.
Innama ya/murukum bialssoo-iwaalfahsha-i waan taqooloo AAala Allahima la taAAlamoona

2:170 When it is said to them; "Follow what Allah hath revealed." They say: "Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers." What! Even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance?
Wa-itha qeela lahumu ittabiAAoo maanzala Allahu qaloo bal nattabiAAu ma alfaynaAAalayhi abaana awa law kana abaohumla yaAAqiloona shay-an wala yahtadoona

2:171 The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout like a goat herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries; deaf, dumb, and blind, they are void of wisdom.
Wamathalu allatheena kafarookamathali allathee yanAAiqu bima la yasmaAAuilla duAAaan wanidaan summun bukmunAAumyun fahum la yaAAqiloona

2:172 O ye who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah, if it is Him ye worship.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanookuloo min tayyibati ma razaqnakum waoshkuroolillahi in kuntum iyyahu taAAbudoona

2:173 He hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, then is he guiltless. For Allah is Oft-forgiving Most Merciful.
Innama harrama AAalaykumualmaytata waalddama walahma alkhinzeeri wamaohilla bihi lighayri Allahi famani idturra ghayra baghinwala AAadin fala ithma AAalayhi inna Allahaghafoorun raheemun

2:174 Those who conceal Allah's revelations in the Book and purchase for them a miserable profit, they swallow into themselves naught but Fire; Allah will not address them on the Day of Resurrection. Nor purify them; Grievous will be their penalty.
Inna allatheena yaktumoona maanzala Allahu mina alkitabi wayashtaroona bihithamanan qaleelan ola-ika ma ya/kuloona fee butoonihimilla alnnara wala yukallimuhumu Allahuyawma alqiyamati wala yuzakkeehim walahum AAathabunaleemun

2:175 They are the ones who buy error in place of guidance and torment in place of forgiveness. Ah! what boldness (they show) for the Fire!
Ola-ika allatheena ishtarawooalddalalata bialhuda waalAAathababialmaghfirati fama asbarahum AAala alnnari

2:176 (Their doom is) because Allah sent down the Book in truth but those who seek causes of dispute in the Book are in a schism far (from the purpose).
Thalika bi-anna Allahanazzala alkitaba bialhaqqi wa-inna allatheenaikhtalafoo fee alkitabi lafee shiqaqin baAAeedin

2:177 It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards east or west; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing.
Laysa albirra an tuwalloo wujoohakum qibalaalmashriqi waalmaghribi walakinna albirra man amanabiAllahi waalyawmi al-akhiri waalmala-ikatiwaalkitabi waalnnabiyyeena waataalmala AAala hubbihi thawee alqurbawaalyatama waalmasakeena waibnaalssabeeli waalssa-ileena wafee alrriqabiwaaqama alssalata waataalzzakata waalmoofoona biAAahdihim ithaAAahadoo waalssabireena fee alba/sa-iwaalddarra-i waheena alba/si ola-ikaallatheena sadaqoo waola-ika humualmuttaqoona

2:178 O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder; the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then grant any reasonable demand, and compensate him with handsome gratitude, this is a concession and a Mercy from your Lord. After this whoever exceeds the limits shall be in grave penalty.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanookutiba AAalaykumu alqisasu fee alqatla alhurrubialhurri waalAAabdu bialAAabdi waalonthabialontha faman AAufiya lahu min akheehi shay-on faittibaAAunbialmaAAroofi waadaon ilayhi bi-ihsaninthalika takhfeefun min rabbikum warahmatun famaniiAAtada baAAda thalika falahu AAathabunaleemun

2:179 In the Law of Equality there is (saving of) life to you, o ye men of understanding; that ye may restrain yourselves.
Walakum fee alqisasi hayatunya olee al-albabi laAAallakum tattaqoona

2:180 It is prescribed, when death approaches any of you, if he leave any goods that he make a bequest to parents and next of kin, according to reasonable usage; this is due from the Allah-fearing.
Kutiba AAalaykum itha hadaraahadakumu almawtu in taraka khayran alwasiyyatulilwalidayni waal-aqrabeena bialmaAAroofi haqqanAAala almuttaqeena

2:181 If anyone changes the bequest after hearing it, the guilt shall be on those who make the change. For Allah hears and knows (All things).
Faman baddalahu baAAda ma samiAAahufa-innama ithmuhu AAala allatheenayubaddiloonahu inna Allaha sameeAAun AAaleemun

2:182 But if anyone fears partiality or wrong-doing on the part of the testator, and makes peace between (the parties concerned), there is no wrong in him; For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Faman khafa min moosinjanafan aw ithman faaslaha baynahum falaithma AAalayhi inna Allaha ghafoorun raheemun

2:183 O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanookutiba AAalaykumu alssiyamu kamakutiba AAala allatheena min qablikum laAAallakumtattaqoona

2:184 (Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will, it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew.
Ayyaman maAAdoodatin faman kanaminkum mareedan aw AAala safarin faAAiddatun minayyamin okhara waAAala allatheena yuteeqoonahufidyatun taAAamu miskeenin faman tatawwaAAakhayran fahuwa khayrun lahu waan tasoomoo khayrun lakum inkuntum taAAlamoona

2:185 Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful.
Shahru ramadana allatheeonzila feehi alqur-anu hudan lilnnasiwabayyinatin mina alhuda waalfurqanifaman shahida minkumu alshshahra falyasumhu waman kanamareedan aw AAala safarin faAAiddatun min ayyaminokhara yureedu Allahu bikumu alyusra wala yureedubikumu alAAusra walitukmiloo alAAiddata walitukabbiroo AllahaAAala ma hadakum walaAAallakum tashkuroona

2:186 When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me; Let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me; That they may walk in the right way.
Wa-itha saalaka AAibadeeAAannee fa-innee qareebun ojeebu daAAwata alddaAAiitha daAAani falyastajeeboo lee walyu/minoo beelaAAallahum yarshudoona

2:187 Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves; but He turned to you and forgave you; so now associate with them, and seek what Allah Hath ordained for you, and eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast till the night appears; but do not associate with your wives while ye are in retreat in the mosques. Those are limits (set by) Allah; Approach not nigh thereto. Thus doth Allah make clear His Signs to men; that they may learn self-restraint.
Ohilla lakum laylata alssiyamialrrafathu ila nisa-ikum hunna libasunlakum waantum libasun lahunna AAalima Allahuannakum kuntum takhtanoona anfusakum fatabaAAalaykum waAAafa AAankum faal-ana bashiroohunnawaibtaghoo ma kataba Allahu lakum wakuloo waishraboohatta yatabayyana lakumu alkhaytu al-abyadumina alkhayti al-aswadi mina alfajri thumma atimmoo alssiyamaila allayli wala tubashiroohunna waantum AAakifoonafee almasajidi tilka hudoodu Allahi falataqrabooha kathalika yubayyinu Allahu ayatihililnnasi laAAallahum yattaqoona

2:188 And do not eat up your property among yourselves for vanities, nor use it as bait for the judges, with intent that ye may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of (other) people's property.
Wala ta/kuloo amwalakumbaynakum bialbatili watudloo biha ilaalhukkami lita/kuloo fareeqan min amwali alnnasibial-ithmi waantum taAAlamoona

2:189 They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, and for pilgrimage. It is no virtue if ye enter your houses from the back; it is virtue if ye fear Allah. Enter houses through the proper doors; And fear Allah, that ye may prosper.
Yas-aloonaka AAani al-ahillati qul hiya mawaqeetulilnnasi waalhajji walaysa albirrubi-an ta/too albuyoota min thuhooriha walakinnaalbirra mani ittaqa wa/too albuyoota min abwabihawaittaqoo Allaha laAAallakum tuflihoona

2:190 Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
Waqatiloo fee sabeeli Allahiallatheena yuqatiloonakum wala taAAtadooinna Allaha la yuhibbu almuAAtadeena

2:191 And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.
Waoqtuloohum haythuthaqiftumoohum waakhrijoohum min haythu akhrajookum waalfitnatuashaddu mina alqatli wala tuqatiloohum AAindaalmasjidi alharami hatta yuqatilookumfeehi fa-in qatalookum faoqtuloohum kathalikajazao alkafireena

2:192 But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Fa-ini intahaw fa-inna Allahaghafoorun raheemun

2:193 And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.
Waqatiloohum hatta latakoona fitnatun wayakoona alddeenu lillahi fa-iniintahaw fala AAudwana illa AAala alththalimeena

2:194 The prohibited month for the prohibited month and so for all things prohibited; there is the law of equality. If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
Alshshahru alharamu bialshshahrialharami waalhurumatu qisasunfamani iAAtada AAalaykum faiAAtadoo AAalayhibimithli ma iAAtada AAalaykum waittaqoo AllahawaiAAlamoo anna Allaha maAAa almuttaqeena

2:195 And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good.
Waanfiqoo fee sabeeli Allahi walatulqoo bi-aydeekum ila alttahlukati waahsinooinna Allaha yuhibbu almuhsineena

2:196 And complete the Hajj or Umra in the service of Allah. But if ye are prevented (from completing it), send an offering for sacrifice; such as ye may find and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice. And if any of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp (necessitating shaving), (he should) in compensation either fast, or feed the poor, or offer sacrifice; and when ye are in peaceful conditions (again), if any one wishes to continue the Umra on to the Hajj, he must make an offering, such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, he should fast three days during the Hajj and seven days on his return, making ten days in all. This is for those whose household is not in (the precincts of) the Sacred Mosque. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is strict in punishment.
Waatimmoo alhajja waalAAumratalillahi fa-in ohsirtum fama istaysara minaalhadyi wala tahliqoo ruoosakum hattayablugha alhadyu mahillahu faman kana minkum mareedanaw bihi athan min ra/sihi fafidyatun min siyaminaw sadaqatin aw nusukin fa-itha amintum famantamattaAAa bialAAumrati ila alhajji famaistaysara mina alhadyi faman lam yajid fasiyamuthalathati ayyamin fee alhajji wasabAAatin itharajaAAtum tilka AAasharatun kamilatun thalika limanlam yakun ahluhu hadiree almasjidi alharamiwaittaqoo Allaha waiAAlamoo anna Allahashadeedu alAAiqabi

2:197 For Hajj are the months well known. If any one undertakes that duty therein, let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good ye do, (be sure) Allah knoweth it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, o ye that are wise.
Alhajju ashhurun maAAloomatunfaman farada feehinna alhajja fala rafathawala fusooqa wala jidala fee alhajjiwama tafAAaloo min khayrin yaAAlamhu Allahuwatazawwadoo fa-inna khayra alzzadi alttaqwawaittaqooni ya olee al-albabi

2:198 It is no crime in you if ye seek of the bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage). Then when ye pour down from (Mount) Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allah at the Sacred Monument and celebrate His praises as He has directed you; even though, before this, ye went astray.
Laysa AAalaykum junahun an tabtaghoofadlan min rabbikum fa-itha afadtum minAAarafatin faothkuroo Allaha AAindaalmashAAari alharami waothkuroohu kamahadakum wa-in kuntum min qablihi lamina alddalleena

2:199 Then pass on at a quick pace from the place whence it is usual for the multitude so to do, and ask for Allah's forgiveness. For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Thumma afeedoo min haythu afadaalnnasu waistaghfiroo Allaha inna Allahaghafoorun raheemun

2:200 So when ye have accomplished your holy rites, celebrate the praises of Allah, as ye used to celebrate the praises of your fathers; yea, with far more heart and soul. There are men who say: "Our Lord! Give us (Thy bounties) in this world!" but they will have no portion in the Hereafter.
Fa-itha qadaytum manasikakumfaothkuroo Allaha kathikrikum abaakumaw ashadda thikran famina alnnasi manyaqoolu rabbana atina fee alddunyawama lahu fee al-akhirati min khalaqin

2:201 And there are men who say: "Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!"
Waminhum man yaqoolu rabbana atinafee alddunya hasanatan wafee al-akhiratihasanatan waqina AAathaba alnnari

2:202 To these will be allotted what they have earned; and Allah is quick in account.
Ola-ika lahum naseebun mimmakasaboo waAllahu sareeAAu alhisabi

2:203 Celebrate the praises of Allah during the appointed days. But if any one hastens to leave in two days, there is no blame on him, and if any one stays on, there is no blame on him, if his aim is to do right. Then fear Allah, and know that ye will surely be gathered unto Him.
Waothkuroo Allaha feeayyamin maAAdoodatin faman taAAajjala fee yawmaynifala ithma AAalayhi waman taakhkhara fala ithmaAAalayhi limani ittaqa waittaqoo Allaha waiAAlamooannakum ilayhi tuhsharoona

2:204 There is the type of man whose speech about this world's life may dazzle thee, and he calls Allah to witness about what is in his heart; yet is he the most contentious of enemies.
Wamina alnnasi man yuAAjibukaqawluhu fee alhayati alddunyawayushhidu Allaha AAala ma fee qalbihiwahuwa aladdu alkhisami

2:205 When he turns his back, his aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle; but Allah loveth not mischief.
Wa-itha tawalla saAAafee al-ardi liyufsida feeha wayuhlika alharthawaalnnasla waAllahu la yuhibbualfasada

2:206 When it is said to him, "Fear Allah", he is led by arrogance to (more) crime. Enough for him is Hell; an evil bed indeed (to lie on)!
Wa-itha qeela lahu ittaqi Allahaakhathat-hu alAAizzatu bial-ithmi fahasbuhujahannamu walabi/sa almihadu

2:207 And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is full of kindness to (His) devotees.
Wamina alnnasi man yashreenafsahu ibtighaa mardati Allahi waAllahuraoofun bialAAibadi

2:208 O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole heartedly and follow not the footsteps of the Evil One; for he is to you an avowed enemy.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooodkhuloo fee alssilmi kaffatan walatattabiAAoo khutuwati alshshaytaniinnahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun

2:209 If ye backslide after the clear (Signs) have come to you, then know that Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.
Fa-in zalaltum min baAAdi ma jaatkumualbayyinatu faiAAlamoo anna Allaha AAazeezunhakeemun

2:210 Will they wait until Allah comes to them in canopies of clouds, with angels (in His train) and the question is (thus) settled? But to Allah do all questions go back (for decision).
Hal yanthuroona illaan ya/tiyahumu Allahu fee thulalin minaalghamami waalmala-ikatu waqudiyaal-amru wa-ila Allahi turjaAAu al-omooru

2:211 Ask the Children of Israel how many clear (Signs) We have sent them. But if any one, after Allah's favor has come to him, substitutes (something else), Allah is strict in punishment.
Sal banee isra-eela kam ataynahummin ayatin bayyinatin waman yubaddil niAAmata Allahimin baAAdi ma jaat-hu fa-inna Allahashadeedu alAAiqabi

2:212 The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; for Allah bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will.
Zuyyina lillatheena kafaroo alhayatualddunya wayaskharoona mina allatheena amanoowaallatheena ittaqaw fawqahum yawma alqiyamatiwaAllahu yarzuqu man yashao bighayri hisabin

2:213 Mankind was one single nation and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed; but the People of the Book, after the clear Signs came to them, did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contumacy. Allah by His grace guided the believers to the truth, concerning that wherein they differed. For Allah guided whom He will to a path that is straight.
Kana alnnasu ommatan wahidatanfabaAAatha Allahu alnnabiyyeena mubashshireenawamunthireena waanzala maAAahumu alkitaba bialhaqqiliyahkuma bayna alnnasi feemaikhtalafoo feehi wama ikhtalafa feehi illa allatheenaootoohu min baAAdi ma jaat-humu albayyinatubaghyan baynahum fahada Allahu allatheena amanoolima ikhtalafoo feehi mina alhaqqi bi-ithnihiwaAllahu yahdee man yashao ila siratinmustaqeemin

2:214 Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They encountered suffering and adversity and were so shaken in spirit that even the Apostle and those of faith who were with him cried: "When (will come) the help of Allah?" Ah! Verily, the help of Allah is (always) near!
Am hasibtum an tadkhuloo aljannatawalamma ya/tikum mathalu allatheena khalaw minqablikum massat-humu alba/sao waalddarraowazulziloo hatta yaqoola alrrasoolu waallatheenaamanoo maAAahu mata nasru Allahi alainna nasra Allahi qareebun

2:215 They ask thee what they should spend (in charity). Say: Whatever ye spend that is good, is for parents and kindred and orphans and those in want and for wayfarers. And whatever ye do that is good, Allah knoweth it well.
Yas-aloonaka matha yunfiqoona qul maanfaqtum min khayrin falilwalidayni waal-aqrabeenawaalyatama waalmasakeeni waibnialssabeeli wama tafAAaloo min khayrin fa-inna Allahabihi AAaleemun

2:216 Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.
Kutiba AAalaykumu alqitalu wahuwakurhun lakum waAAasa an takrahoo shay-an wahuwa khayrunlakum waAAasa an tuhibboo shay-an wahuwa sharrunlakum waAllahu yaAAlamu waantum lataAAlamoona

2:217 They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein.
Yas-aloonaka AAani alshshahri alharamiqitalin feehi qul qitalun feehi kabeerun wasaddunAAan sabeeli Allahi wakufrun bihi waalmasjidi alharamiwa-ikhraju ahlihi minhu akbaru AAinda Allahi waalfitnatuakbaru mina alqatli wala yazaloona yuqatiloonakumhatta yaruddookum AAan deenikum ini istataAAoowaman yartadid minkum AAan deenihi fayamut wahuwa kafirunfaola-ika habitat aAAmaluhum fee alddunyawaal-akhirati waola-ika as-habualnnari hum feeha khalidoona

2:218 Those who believed and those who suffered exile and fought (and strove and struggled) in the path of Allah, they have the hope of the Mercy of Allah. And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Inna allatheena amanoo waallatheenahajaroo wajahadoo fee sabeeli Allahi ola-ikayarjoona rahmata Allahi waAllahughafoorun raheemun

2:219 They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth Allah make clear to you His Signs; in order that ye may consider.
Yas-aloonaka AAani alkhamri waalmaysiriqul feehima ithmun kabeerun wamanafiAAu lilnnasiwa-ithmuhuma akbaru min nafAAihima wayas-aloonaka mathayunfiqoona quli alAAafwa kathalika yubayyinu Allahulakumu al-ayati laAAallakum tatafakkaroona

2:220 (Their bearings) on this life and the Hereafter. They ask thee concerning orphans. Say: "The best thing to do is what is for their good; if ye mix their affairs with yours, they are your brethren; but Allah knows the man who means mischief from the man who means good. And if Allah had wished, He could have put you into difficulties; He is indeed Exalted in Power, Wise."
Fee alddunya waal-akhiratiwayas-aloonaka AAani alyatama qul islahunlahum khayrun wa-in tukhalitoohum fa-ikhwanukumwaAllahu yaAAlamu almufsida mina almuslihiwalaw shaa Allahu laaAAnatakum inna AllahaAAazeezun hakeemun

2:221 Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe. A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe. A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness and makes His Signs clear to mankind; That they may celebrate His praise.
Wala tankihoo almushrikatihatta yu/minna walaamatun mu/minatun khayrun minmushrikatin walaw aAAjabatkum wala tunkihooalmushrikeena hatta yu/minoo walaAAabdun mu/minunkhayrun min mushrikin walaw aAAjabakum ola-ika yadAAoonaila alnnari waAllahu yadAAooila aljannati waalmaghfirati bi-ithnihiwayubayyinu ayatihi lilnnasilaAAallahum yatathakkaroona

2:222 They ask thee concerning women's courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution; So keep away from women in their courses and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by Allah. For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.
Wayas-aloonaka AAani almaheediqul huwa athan faiAAtaziloo alnnisaafee almaheedi wala taqraboohunna hattayathurna fa-itha tatahharna fa/toohunna min haythuamarakumu Allahu inna Allaha yuhibbu alttawwabeenawayuhibbu almutatahhireena

2:223 Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah. And know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter) and give (these) good tidings to those who believe.
Nisaokum harthun lakum fa/tooharthakum anna shi/tum waqaddimoo li-anfusikum waittaqooAllaha waiAAlamoo annakum mulaqoohuwabashshiri almu/mineena

2:224 And make not Allah's (name) an excuse in your oaths against doing good, or acting rightly, or making peace between persons; for Allah is One Who heareth and knoweth all things.
Wala tajAAaloo Allaha AAurdatanli-aymanikum an tabarroo watattaqoo watuslihoobayna alnnasi waAllahu sameeAAunAAaleemun

2:225 Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing.
La yu-akhithukumu Allahubiallaghwi fee aymanikum walakin yu-akhithukumbima kasabat quloobukum waAllahu ghafoorun haleemun

2:226 For those who take an oath for abstention from their wives, a waiting for four months is ordained; if then they return, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Lillatheena yu/loona min nisa-ihimtarabbusu arbaAAati ashhurin fa-in faoo fa-inna Allahaghafoorun raheemun

2:227 But if their intention is firm for divorce, Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
Wa-in AAazamoo alttalaqafa-inna Allaha sameeAAun AAaleemun

2:228 Divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly periods. Nor is it lawful for them to hide what Allah Hath created in their wombs, if they have faith in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have the better right to take them back in that period, if they wish for reconciliation. And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable; but men have a degree (of advantage) over them. And Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.
Waalmutallaqatuyatarabbasna bi-anfusihinna thalathata quroo-in walayahillu lahunna an yaktumna ma khalaqa Allahufee arhamihinna in kunna yu/minna biAllahiwaalyawmi al-akhiri wabuAAoolatuhunna ahaqqubiraddihinna fee thalika in aradoo islahanwalahunna mithlu allathee AAalayhinna bialmaAAroofiwalilrrijali AAalayhinna darajatun waAllahuAAazeezun hakeemun

2:229 A divorce is only permissible twice; after that, the parties should either hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness. It is not lawful for you, (men), to take back any of your gifts (from your wives), except when both parties fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah. If ye (judges) do indeed fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah, there is no blame on either of them if she give something for her freedom. These are the limits ordained by Allah; so do not transgress them if any do transgress the limits ordained by Allah, such persons wrong (themselves as well as others).
Alttalaqu marratanifa-imsakun bimaAAroofin aw tasreehun bi-ihsaninwala yahillu lakum an ta/khuthoo mimmaataytumoohunna shay-an illa an yakhafaalla yuqeema hudooda Allahi fa-inkhiftum alla yuqeema hudooda Allahifala junaha AAalayhima feema iftadatbihi tilka hudoodu Allahi fala taAAtadoohawaman yataAAadda hudooda Allahi faola-ikahumu alththalimoona

2:230 So if a husband divorces his wife (irrevocably), he cannot, after that, re-marry her until after she has married another husband and he has divorced her. In that case there is no blame on either of them if they re-unite, provided they feel that they can keep the limits ordained by Allah. Such are the limits ordained by Allah, which He makes plain to those who understand.
Fa-in tallaqaha falatahillu lahu min baAAdu hatta tankihazawjan ghayrahu fa-in tallaqaha fala junahaAAalayhima an yatarajaAAa in thannaan yuqeema hudooda Allahi watilka hudooduAllahi yubayyinuha liqawmin yaAAlamoona

2:231 When ye divorce women, and they fulfil the term of their ('Iddat), either take them back on equitable terms or set them free on equitable terms; but do not take them back to injure them, (or) to take undue advantage; if any one does that; he wrongs his own soul. Do not treat Allah's Signs as a jest, but solemnly rehearse Allah's favors on you, and the fact that He sent down to you the Book and Wisdom, for your instruction. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is well acquainted with all things.
Wa-itha tallaqtumu alnnisaafabalaghna ajalahunna faamsikoohunna bimaAAroofin aw sarrihoohunnabimaAAroofin wala tumsikoohunna diraranlitaAAtadoo waman yafAAal thalika faqad thalamanafsahu wala tattakhithoo ayati Allahihuzuwan waothkuroo niAAmata Allahi AAalaykumwama anzala AAalaykum mina alkitabi waalhikmatiyaAAithukum bihi waittaqoo Allaha waiAAlamooanna Allaha bikulli shay-in AAaleemun

2:232 When ye divorce women, and they fulfil the term of their ('Iddat), do not prevent them from marrying their (former) husbands, if they mutually agree on equitable terms. This instruction is for all amongst you, who believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is (the course making for) most virtue and purity amongst you and Allah knows and ye know not.
Wa-itha tallaqtumu alnnisaafabalaghna ajalahunna fala taAAduloohunna an yankihnaazwajahunna itha taradaw baynahum bialmaAAroofithalika yooAAathu bihi man kanaminkum yu/minu biAllahi waalyawmi al-akhirithalikum azka lakum waatharu waAllahuyaAAlamu waantum la taAAlamoona

2:233 The mothers shall give such to their offspring for two whole years, if the father desires to complete the term. But he shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms. No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear. No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child. Nor father on account of his child; an heir shall be chargeable in the same way. If they both decide on weaning, by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no blame on them. If ye decide on a foster-mother for your offspring, there is no blame on you, provided ye pay (the mother) what ye offered, on equitable terms. But fear Allah and know that Allah sees well what ye do.
Waalwalidatu yurdiAAnaawladahunna hawlayni kamilayni liman aradaan yutimma alrradaAAata waAAala almawloodilahu rizquhunna wakiswatuhunna bialmaAAroofi latukallafu nafsun illa wusAAaha la tudarrawalidatun biwaladiha wala mawloodun lahubiwaladihi waAAala alwarithi mithlu thalikafa-in arada fisalan AAan taradinminhuma watashawurin fala junahaAAalayhima wa-in aradtum an tastardiAAoo awladakumfala junaha AAalaykum itha sallamtum maataytum bialmaAAroofi waittaqoo AllahawaiAAlamoo anna Allaha bima taAAmaloona baseerun

2:234 If any of you die and leave widows behind, they shall wait concerning themselves four months and ten days. When they have fulfilled their term, there is no blame on you if they dispose of themselves in a just and reasonable manner. And Allah is well acquainted with what ye do.
Waallatheena yutawaffawnaminkum wayatharoona azwajan yatarabbasnabi-anfusihinna arbaAAata ashhurin waAAashran fa-ithabalaghna ajalahunna fala junaha AAalaykum feemafaAAalna fee anfusihinna bialmaAAroofi waAllahubima taAAmaloona khabeerun

2:235 There is no blame on you if ye make an offer of betrothal or hold it in your hearts. Allah knows that ye cherish them in your hearts; But do not make a secret contract with them except in terms honorable, nor resolve on the tie of marriage till the term prescribed is fulfilled. And know that Allah knoweth what is in your hearts, and take heed of Him; and know that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing.
Wala junaha AAalaykum feemaAAarradtum bihi min khitbati alnnisa-iaw aknantum fee anfusikum AAalima Allahu annakum satathkuroonahunnawalakin la tuwaAAidoohunna sirran illaan taqooloo qawlan maAAroofan wala taAAzimoo AAuqdata alnnikahihatta yablugha alkitabu ajalahu waiAAlamooanna Allaha yaAAlamu ma fee anfusikum faihtharoohuwaiAAlamoo anna Allaha ghafoorun haleemun

2:236 There is no blame on you if ye divorce women before consummation or the fixation of their dower; but bestow on them (A suitable gift); the wealthy according to his means, and the poor according to his means. A gift of a reasonable amount is due from those who wish to do the right thing.
La junaha AAalaykum in tallaqtumualnnisaa ma lam tamassoohunna aw tafridoolahunna fareedatan wamattiAAoohunna AAalaalmoosiAAi qadaruhu waAAala almuqtiri qadaruhu mataAAanbialmaAAroofi haqqan AAala almuhsineena

2:237 And if ye divorce them before consummation, but after the fixation of a dower for them, then the half of the dower (is due to them), unless they remit it or (the man's half) is remitted by him in whose hands is the marriage tie; and the remission (of the man's half) is the nearest to righteousness. And do not forget liberality between yourselves. For Allah sees well all that ye do.
Wa-in tallaqtumoohunna min qabli antamassoohunna waqad faradtum lahunna fareedatanfanisfu ma faradtum illa an yaAAfoonaaw yaAAfuwa allathee biyadihi AAuqdatu alnnikahiwaan taAAfoo aqrabu lilttaqwa wala tansawooalfadla baynakum inna Allaha bimataAAmaloona baseerun

2:238 Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind).
Hafithoo AAalaalssalawati waalssalatialwusta waqoomoo lillahi qaniteena

2:239 If ye fear (an enemy), pray on foot, or riding, (as may be most convenient), but when ye are in security, celebrate Allah's praises in the manner He has taught you, which ye knew not (before).
Fa-in khiftum farijalan aw rukbananfa-itha amintum faothkuroo Allaha kamaAAallamakum ma lam takoonoo taAAlamoona

2:240 Those of you who die and leave widows should bequeath for their widows a year's maintenance and residence; but if they leave (the residence), there is no blame on you for what they do with themselves, provided it is reasonable. And Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.
Waallatheena yutawaffawnaminkum wayatharoona azwajan wasiyyatanli-azwajihim mataAAan ila alhawlighayra ikhrajin fa-in kharajna fala junahaAAalaykum fee ma faAAalna fee anfusihinna min maAAroofinwaAllahu AAazeezun hakeemun

2:241 For divorced women, maintenance (should be provided) on a reasonable (scale). This is a duty on the righteous.
Walilmutallaqati mataAAunbialmaAAroofi haqqan AAala almuttaqeena

2:242 Thus doth Allah make clear His Signs to you; in order that ye may understand.
Kathalika yubayyinu Allahulakum ayatihi laAAallakum taAAqiloona

2:243 Didst thou not turn by vision to those who abandoned their homes, though they were thousands (in number), for fear of death? Allah said to them: "Die"; then He restored them to life. For Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but most of them are ungrateful.
Alam tara ila allatheenakharajoo min diyarihim wahum oloofun hatharaalmawti faqala lahumu Allahu mootoo thumma ahyahuminna Allaha lathoo fadlin AAala alnnasiwalakinna akthara alnnasi layashkuroona

2:244 Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
Waqatiloo fee sabeeli AllahiwaiAAlamoo anna Allaha sameeAAun AAaleemun

2:245 Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply many times? It is Allah that giveth (you) want or plenty, and to Him shall be your return.
Man tha allathee yuqriduAllaha qardan hasanan fayudaAAifahulahu adAAafan katheeratan waAllahuyaqbidu wayabsutu wa-ilayhi turjaAAoona

2:246 Hast thou not turned thy vision to the Chiefs of the Children of Israel after (the time of) Moses? They said to a prophet (that was) among them; "Appoint for us a king, that we may fight in the cause of Allah." He said; "Is it not possible, if ye were commanded to fight, that that ye will not fight?" They said; "How could we refuse to fight in the cause of Allah, seeing that we were turned out of our homes and our families?" But when they were commanded to fight, they turned back, except a small band among them. But Allah has full knowledge of those who do wrong.
Alam tara ila almala-i min banee isra-eelamin baAAdi moosa ith qaloo linabiyyin lahumuibAAath lana malikan nuqatil fee sabeeli Allahiqala hal AAasaytum in kutiba AAalaykumu alqitalualla tuqatiloo qaloo wama lanaalla nuqatila fee sabeeli Allahi waqadokhrijna min diyarina waabna-inafalamma kutiba AAalayhimu alqitalu tawallaw illaqaleelan minhum waAllahu AAaleemun bialththalimeena

2:247 Their Prophet said to them: "Allah hath appointed Talut as king over you." They said: "How can he exercise authority over us when we are better fitted than he to exercise authority, and he is not even gifted, with wealth in abundance?" He said: "Allah hath Chosen him above you, and hath gifted him abundantly with knowledge and bodily prowess: Allah Granteth His authority to whom He pleaseth. Allah careth for all, and He knoweth all things."
Waqala lahum nabiyyuhum inna Allahaqad baAAatha lakum taloota malikan qaloo annayakoonu lahu almulku AAalayna wanahnu ahaqqubialmulki minhu walam yu/ta saAAatan mina almali qalainna Allaha istafahu AAalaykum wazadahubastatan fee alAAilmi waaljismi waAllahuyu/tee mulkahu man yashao waAllahu wasiAAunAAaleemun

2:248 And (further) their Prophet said to them: "A Sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ark of the covenant, with (an assurance) therein of security from your Lord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. In this is a symbol for you if ye indeed have faith."
Waqala lahum nabiyyuhum inna ayatamulkihi an ya/tiyakumu alttabootu feehi sakeenatunmin rabbikum wabaqiyyatun mimma taraka alu moosawaalu haroona tahmiluhu almala-ikatuinna fee thalika laayatan lakum in kuntum mu/mineena

2:249 When Talut set forth with the armies, he said: "Allah will test you at the stream: if any drinks of its water, He goes not with my army: Only those who taste not of it go with me: A mere sip out of the hand is excused." but they all drank of it, except a few. When they crossed the river,- He and the faithful ones with him,- they said: "This day We cannot cope with Goliath and his forces." but those who were convinced that they must meet Allah, said: "How oft, by Allah's will, Hath a small force vanquished a big one? Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere."
Falamma fasala talootubialjunoodi qala inna Allaha mubtaleekumbinaharin faman shariba minhu falaysa minnee waman lam yatAAamhufa-innahu minnee illa mani ightarafa ghurfatan biyadihifashariboo minhu illa qaleelan minhum falamma jawazahuhuwa waallatheena amanoo maAAahu qaloola taqata lana alyawma bijalootawajunoodihi qala allatheena yathunnoonaannahum mulaqoo Allahi kam min fi-atin qaleelatinghalabat fi-atan katheeratan bi-ithni Allahi waAllahumaAAa alssabireena

2:250 When they advanced to meet Goliath and his forces, they prayed: "Our Lord! Pour out constancy on us and make our steps firm: Help us against those that reject faith."
Walamma barazoo lijalootawajunoodihi qaloo rabbana afrigh AAalayna sabranwathabbit aqdamana waonsurnaAAala alqawmi alkafireena

2:251 By Allah's will they routed them; and David slew Goliath; and Allah gave him power and wisdom and taught him whatever (else) He willed. And did not Allah Check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief: But Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds.
Fahazamoohum bi-ithni Allahiwaqatala dawoodu jaloota waatahu Allahualmulka waalhikmata waAAallamahu mimma yashaowalawla dafAAu Allahi alnnasa baAAdahumbibaAAdin lafasadati al-ardu walakinna Allahathoo fadlin AAala alAAalameena

2:252 These are the Signs of Allah: we rehearse them to thee in truth: verily Thou art one of the apostles.
Tilka ayatu Allahinatlooha AAalayka bialhaqqi wa-innaka laminaalmursaleena

2:253 Those apostles We endowed with gifts, some above others: To one of them Allah spoke; others He raised to degrees (of honour); to Jesus the son of Mary We gave clear (Signs), and strengthened him with the holy spirit. If Allah had so willed, succeeding generations would not have fought among each other, after clear (Signs) had come to them, but they (chose) to wrangle, some believing and others rejecting. If Allah had so willed, they would not have fought each other; but Allah Fulfilleth His plan.
Tilka alrrusulu faddalnabaAAdahum AAala baAAdin minhum man kallamaAllahu warafaAAa baAAdahum darajatin waataynaAAeesa ibna maryama albayyinati waayyadnahubiroohi alqudusi walaw shaa Allahu maiqtatala allatheena min baAAdihim min baAAdi ma jaat-humualbayyinatu walakini ikhtalafoo faminhum man amanawaminhum man kafara walaw shaa Allahu maiqtataloo walakinna Allaha yafAAalu mayureedu

2:254 O ye who believe! Spend out of (the bounties) We have provided for you, before the Day comes when no bargaining (Will avail), nor friendship nor intercession. Those who reject Faith they are the wrong-doers.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooanfiqoo mimma razaqnakum min qabli an ya/tiyayawmun la bayAAun feehi wala khullatun walashafaAAatun waalkafiroona humu alththalimoona

2:255 Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).
Allahu la ilaha illahuwa alhayyu alqayyoomu la ta/khuthuhusinatun wala nawmun lahu ma fee alssamawatiwama fee al-ardi man tha allatheeyashfaAAu AAindahu illa bi-ithnihi yaAAlamu mabayna aydeehim wama khalfahum wala yuheetoonabishay-in min AAilmihi illa bima shaawasiAAa kursiyyuhu alssamawati waal-ardawala yaooduhu hifthuhumawahuwa alAAaliyyu alAAatheemu

2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
La ikraha fee alddeeniqad tabayyana alrrushdu mina alghayyi faman yakfur bialttaghootiwayu/min biAllahi faqadi istamsaka bialAAurwatialwuthqa la infisama laha waAllahusameeAAun AAaleemun

2:257 Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever).
Allahu waliyyu allatheena amanooyukhrijuhum mina alththulumati ilaalnnoori waallatheena kafaroo awliyaohumualttaghootu yukhrijoonahum mina alnnoori ilaalththulumati ola-ika as-habualnnari hum feeha khalidoona

2:258 Hast thou not Turned thy vision to one who disputed with Abraham About his Lord, because Allah had granted him power? Abraham said: "My Lord is He Who Giveth life and death." He said: "I give life and death". Said Abraham: "But it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the east: Do thou then cause him to rise from the West." Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected faith. Nor doth Allah Give guidance to a people unjust.
Alam tara ila allathee hajjaibraheema fee rabbihi an atahu Allahualmulka ith qala ibraheemu rabbiya allatheeyuhyee wayumeetu qala ana ohyeewaomeetu qala ibraheemu fa-inna Allahaya/tee bialshshamsi mina almashriqi fa/ti biha minaalmaghribi fabuhita allathee kafara waAllahula yahdee alqawma alththalimeena

2:259 Or (take) the similitude of one who passed by a hamlet, all in ruins to its roofs. He said: "Oh! how shall Allah bring it (ever) to life, after (this) its death?" but Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him up (again). He said: "How long didst thou tarry (thus)?" He said: (Perhaps) a day or part of a day." He said: "Nay, thou hast tarried thus a hundred years; but look at thy food and thy drink; they show no signs of age; and look at thy donkey: And that We may make of thee a sign unto the people, Look further at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh." When this was shown clearly to him, he said: "I know that Allah hath power over all things."
Aw kaallathee marra AAalaqaryatin wahiya khawiyatun AAala AAurooshihaqala anna yuhyee hathihi AllahubaAAda mawtiha faamatahu Allahu mi-ata AAaminthumma baAAathahu qala kam labithta qala labithtuyawman aw baAAda yawmin qala bal labithta mi-ata AAaminfaonthur ila taAAamikawasharabika lam yatasannah waonthurila himarika walinajAAalaka ayatan lilnnasiwaonthur ila alAAithamikayfa nunshizuha thumma naksooha lahmanfalamma tabayyana lahu qala aAAlamu anna AllahaAAala kulli shay-in qadeerun

2:260 Behold! Abraham said: "My Lord! Show me how Thou givest life to the dead." He said: "Dost thou not then believe?" He said: "Yea! but to satisfy My own undertaking." He said: "Take four birds; Tame them to turn to thee; put a portion of them on every hill and call to them: They will come to thee (Flying) with speed. Then know that Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise."
Wa-ith qala ibraheemurabbi arinee kayfa tuhyee almawta qala awalam tu/min qala bala walakin liyatma-innaqalbee qala fakhuth arbaAAatan mina alttayrifasurhunna ilayka thumma ijAAal AAala kulli jabalinminhunna juz-an thumma odAAuhunna ya/teenaka saAAyan waiAAlamanna Allaha AAazeezun hakeemun

2:261 The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear Hath a hundred grains. Allah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: And Allah careth for all and He knoweth all things.
Mathalu allatheena yunfiqoona amwalahumfee sabeeli Allahi kamathali habbatin anbatatsabAAa sanabila fee kulli sunbulatin mi-atu habbatinwaAllahu yudaAAifu liman yashao waAllahuwasiAAun AAaleemun

2:262 Those who spend their substance in the cause of Allah, and follow not up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury,-for them their reward is with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Allatheena yunfiqoona amwalahumfee sabeeli Allahi thumma la yutbiAAoona maanfaqoo mannan wala athan lahum ajruhum AAindarabbihim wala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona

2:263 Kind words and the covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury. Allah is free of all wants, and He is Most-Forbearing.
Qawlun maAAroofun wamaghfiratun khayrun minsadaqatin yatbaAAuha athan waAllahughaniyyun haleemun

2:264 O ye who believe! cancel not your charity by reminders of your generosity or by injury,- like those who spend their substance to be seen of men, but believe neither in Allah nor in the Last Day. They are in parable like a hard, barren rock, on which is a little soil: on it falls heavy rain, which leaves it (Just) a bare stone. They will be able to do nothing with aught they have earned. And Allah guideth not those who reject faith.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoola tubtiloo sadaqatikum bialmanniwaal-atha kaallathee yunfiqu malahuri-aa alnnasi wala yu/minu biAllahiwaalyawmi al-akhiri famathaluhu kamathali safwaninAAalayhi turabun faasabahu wabilunfatarakahu saldan la yaqdiroona AAalashay-in mimma kasaboo waAllahu layahdee alqawma alkafireena

2:265 And the likeness of those who spend their substance, seeking to please Allah and to strengthen their souls, is as a garden, high and fertile: heavy rain falls on it but makes it yield a double increase of harvest, and if it receives not Heavy rain, light moisture sufficeth it. Allah seeth well whatever ye do.
Wamathalu allatheena yunfiqoona amwalahumuibtighaa mardati Allahi watathbeetan minanfusihim kamathali jannatin birabwatin asabaha wabilunfaatat okulaha diAAfayni fa-in lam yusibhawabilun fatallun waAllahu bimataAAmaloona baseerun

2:266 Does any of you wish that he should have a garden with date-palms and vines and streams flowing underneath, and all kinds of fruit, while he is stricken with old age, and his children are not strong (enough to look after themselves)- that it should be caught in a whirlwind, with fire therein, and be burnt up? Thus doth Allah make clear to you (His) Signs; that ye may consider.
Ayawaddu ahadukum an takoona lahujannatun min nakheelin waaAAnabin tajree min tahtihaal-anharu lahu feeha min kulli alththamaratiwaasabahu alkibaru walahu thurriyyatun duAAafaofaasabaha iAAsarun feehi narun faihtaraqatkathalika yubayyinu Allahu lakumu al-ayatilaAAallakum tatafakkaroona

2:267 O ye who believe! Give of the good things which ye have (honourably) earned, and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you, and do not even aim at getting anything which is bad, in order that out of it ye may give away something, when ye yourselves would not receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allah is Free of all wants, and worthy of all praise.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooanfiqoo min tayyibati ma kasabtum wamimmaakhrajna lakum mina al-ardi wala tayammamooalkhabeetha minhu tunfiqoona walastum bi-akhitheehiilla an tughmidoo feehi waiAAlamoo anna Allahaghaniyyun hameedun

2:268 The Evil one threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allah promiseth you His forgiveness and bounties. And Allah careth for all and He knoweth all things.
Alshshaytanu yaAAidukumualfaqra waya/murukum bialfahsha-i waAllahuyaAAidukum maghfiratan minhu wafadlan waAllahuwasiAAun AAaleemun

2:269 He granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message but men of understanding.
Yu/tee alhikmata man yashaowaman yu/ta alhikmata faqad ootiya khayran katheeran wamayaththakkaru illa oloo al-albabi

2:270 And whatever ye spend in charity or devotion, be sure Allah knows it all. But the wrong-doers have no helpers.
Wama anfaqtum min nafaqatin aw nathartummin nathrin fa-inna Allaha yaAAlamuhu wamalilththalimeena min ansarin

2:271 If ye disclose (acts of) charity, even so it is well, but if ye conceal them, and make them reach those (really) in need, that is best for you: It will remove from you some of your (stains of) evil. And Allah is well acquainted with what ye do.
In tubdoo alssadaqatifaniAAimma hiya wa-in tukhfooha watu/toohaalfuqaraa fahuwa khayrun lakum wayukaffiru AAankum minsayyi-atikum waAllahu bimataAAmaloona khabeerun

2:272 It is not required of thee (O Apostle), to set them on the right path, but Allah sets on the right path whom He pleaseth. Whatever of good ye give benefits your own souls, and ye shall only do so seeking the "Face" of Allah. Whatever good ye give, shall be rendered back to you, and ye shall not Be dealt with unjustly.
Laysa AAalayka hudahum walakinnaAllaha yahdee man yashao wama tunfiqoo minkhayrin fali-anfusikum wama tunfiqoona illa ibtighaawajhi Allahi wama tunfiqoo min khayrin yuwaffailaykum waantum la tuthlamoona

2:273 (Charity is) for those in need, who, in Allah's cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land, seeking (For trade or work): the ignorant man thinks, because of their modesty, that they are free from want. Thou shalt know them by their (Unfailing) mark: They beg not importunately from all the sundry. And whatever of good ye give, be assured Allah knoweth it well.
Lilfuqara-i allatheena ohsiroofee sabeeli Allahi la yastateeAAoona darbanfee al-ardi yahsabuhumu aljahilu aghniyaamina alttaAAaffufi taAArifuhum biseemahum layas-aloona alnnasa ilhafan wamatunfiqoo min khayrin fa-inna Allaha bihi AAaleemun

2:274 Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Allatheena yunfiqoona amwalahumbiallayli waalnnahari sirran waAAalaniyatanfalahum ajruhum AAinda rabbihim wala khawfun AAalayhim walahum yahzanoona

2:275 Those who devour usury will not stand except as stand one whom the Evil one by his touch Hath driven to madness. That is because they say: "Trade is like usury," but Allah hath permitted trade and forbidden usury. Those who after receiving direction from their Lord, desist, shall be pardoned for the past; their case is for Allah (to judge); but those who repeat (The offence) are companions of the Fire: They will abide therein (for ever).
Allatheena ya/kuloona alrribala yaqoomoona illa kama yaqoomu allatheeyatakhabbatuhu alshshaytanu mina almassi thalikabi-annahum qaloo innama albayAAu mithlu alrribawaahalla Allahu albayAAa waharrama alrribafaman jaahu mawAAithatun min rabbihi faintahafalahu ma salafa waamruhu ila Allahi wamanAAada faola-ika as-habu alnnarihum feeha khalidoona

2:276 Allah will deprive usury of all blessing, but will give increase for deeds of charity: For He loveth not creatures ungrateful and wicked.
Yamhaqu Allahu alrribawayurbee alssadaqati waAllahula yuhibbu kulla kaffarin atheemin

2:277 Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Inna allatheena amanoowaAAamiloo alssalihati waaqamoo alssalatawaatawoo alzzakata lahum ajruhum AAindarabbihim wala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona

2:278 O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if ye are indeed believers.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooittaqoo Allaha watharoo ma baqiya mina alrribain kuntum mu/mineena

2:279 If ye do it not, Take notice of war from Allah and His Apostle: But if ye turn back, ye shall have your capital sums: Deal not unjustly, and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly.
Fa-in lam tafAAaloo fa/thanoo biharbinmina Allahi warasoolihi wa-in tubtum falakum ruoosu amwalikumla tathlimoona wala tuthlamoona

2:280 If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time Till it is easy for him to repay. But if ye remit it by way of charity, that is best for you if ye only knew.
Wa-in kana thoo AAusratinfanathiratun ila maysaratin waan tasaddaqookhayrun lakum in kuntum taAAlamoona

2:281 And fear the Day when ye shall be brought back to Allah. Then shall every soul be paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly.
Waittaqoo yawman turjaAAoona feehiila Allahi thumma tuwaffa kullu nafsin makasabat wahum la yuthlamoona

2:282 O ye who believe! When ye deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing Let a scribe write down faithfully as between the parties: let not the scribe refuse to write: as Allah Has taught him, so let him write. Let him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear His Lord Allah, and not diminish aught of what he owes. If they party liable is mentally deficient, or weak, or unable Himself to dictate, Let his guardian dictate faithfully, and get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her. The witnesses should not refuse when they are called on (For evidence). Disdain not to reduce to writing (your contract) for a future period, whether it be small or big: it is juster in the sight of Allah, More suitable as evidence, and more convenient to prevent doubts among yourselves but if it be a transaction which ye carry out on the spot among yourselves, there is no blame on you if ye reduce it not to writing. But take witness whenever ye make a commercial contract; and let neither scribe nor witness suffer harm. If ye do (such harm), it would be wickedness in you. So fear Allah; For it is Allah that teaches you. And Allah is well acquainted with all things.
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooitha tadayantum bidaynin ila ajalin musammanfaoktuboohu walyaktub baynakum katibun bialAAadliwala ya/ba katibun an yaktuba kamaAAallamahu Allahu falyaktub walyumlili allatheeAAalayhi alhaqqu walyattaqi Allaha rabbahu walayabkhas minhu shay-an fa-in kana allathee AAalayhialhaqqu safeehan aw daAAeefan aw la yastateeAAuan yumilla huwa falyumlil waliyyuhu bialAAadli waistashhidooshaheedayni min rijalikum fa-in lam yakoonarajulayni farajulun waimraatani mimman tardawnamina alshshuhada-i an tadilla ihdahumafatuthakkira ihdahuma al-okhrawala ya/ba alshshuhadao itha maduAAoo wala tas-amoo an taktuboohu sagheeran awkabeeran ila ajalihi thalikum aqsatu AAindaAllahi waaqwamu lilshshahadati waadnaalla tartaboo illa an takoona tijaratanhadiratan tudeeroonaha baynakum falaysa AAalaykumjunahun alla taktubooha waashhidoo ithatabayaAAtum wala yudarra katibun walashaheedun wa-in tafAAaloo fa-innahu fusooqun bikum waittaqooAllaha wayuAAallimukumu Allahu waAllahubikulli shay-in AAaleemun

2:283 If ye are on a journey, and cannot find a scribe, a pledge with possession (may serve the purpose). And if one of you deposits a thing on trust with another, Let the trustee (Faithfully) discharge His trust, and let him fear his Lord. Conceal not evidence; for whoever conceals it,- His heart is tainted with sin. And Allah Knoweth all that ye do.
Wa-in kuntum AAala safarin walamtajidoo katiban farihanun maqboodatun fa-inamina baAAdukum baAAdan falyu-addi allatheei/tumina amanatahu walyattaqi Allaha rabbahuwala taktumoo alshshahadata waman yaktumhafa-innahu athimun qalbuhu waAllahu bimataAAmaloona AAaleemun

2:284 To Allah belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth. Whether ye show what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah Calleth you to account for it. He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and punisheth whom He pleaseth, for Allah hath power over all things.
Lillahi ma fee alssamawatiwama fee al-ardi wa-in tubdoo ma feeanfusikum aw tukhfoohu yuhasibkum bihi Allahufayaghfiru liman yashao wayuAAaththibu man yashaowaAllahu AAala kulli shay-in qadeerun

2:285 The Apostle believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His apostles. "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His apostles." And they say: "We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys."
Amana alrrasoolu bimaonzila ilayhi min rabbihi waalmu/minoona kullun amanabiAllahi wamala-ikatihi wakutubihiwarusulihi la nufarriqu bayna ahadin min rusulihiwaqaloo samiAAna waataAAna ghufranakarabbana wa-ilayka almaseeru

2:286 On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith."
La yukallifu Allahu nafsanilla wusAAaha laha ma kasabatwaAAalayha ma iktasabat rabbana latu-akhithna in naseena aw akhta/narabbana wala tahmil AAalayna isrankama hamaltahu AAala allatheena minqablina rabbana wala tuhammilnama la taqata lana bihi waoAAfuAAanna waighfir lana wairhamnaanta mawlana faonsurna AAalaalqawmi alkafireena

The Holy Qur'aan in Arabic